𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 23

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The day has finally come. Jungwon sighed as he looked out the window and heard a knock at the door. As he opened the door, he saw her mom already dressed up when it's the graduation is literally 2 hours from now

"What do you think?" Her mom asked with a smile, expecting a compliment from her son

"It's great Mom" Jungwon told her but something's off with his tone

"Everything okay Jungwon?" Her mother asked him as she entered his room

"I-its just that after graduation Jay's already leaving" Jungwon told her mother

"Jungwon, this is just a test on how you'll handle your relationship even from far away" Her mother replied earning a smile from Jungwon

"Now get up and go take a shower" Her mother added and Jungwon nodded

Jay felt sleepy because he wasn't able to sleep last night after the incident. Their maid knocked on the door and entered his room

"Mr. Park, graduation is in 2 hours" the mad reminded him as she left the room

"Oh fuck" He whispered and automatically got out of his bed

He finished showering, got out of the bathroom wiping his hair with his towel

"Where's father?" He asked the maid who was cleaning the living room

"He's out now Mr. Park" the maid replied and carried on doing what she was doing

Jay felt annoyed because he's father was out when the ceremony is starting in an hour. So he called him

"Hello? Dad?"

"Oh, what is it?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the company, why?"

"What the fuck are you doing there? My graduation is literally an hour from now"

"Okay, but did you already pack your things?"


"I'll be right there"

He sighed as he hang up the call. He wore his collared shirt and slacks and looked up himself at the mirror

"Why is my eyes so red?" Jay asked but in a low voice

"I haven't cried that much" He added

He brushed it off thinking no one will notice. He got out of his room and waited for his father to arrive, he kept track of time again and again. His father finally arrived

"You ready?" His father asked

"I've been waiting for half an hour" Jay replied annoyed

"Sorry, I had some business to attend to" Her father replied

"Please prepare our luggages" His father told the maid, Jay couldn't do anything cause her father's decision is final

"Let's Go"

Meanwhile, Jungwon also wore his collared shirt and slacks. Her mother looked at him with a smile. Jungwon looked up himself at the mirror and did many poses earning a chuckle from his mother

"Are you ready wonnie?" Her mother asked him

"More than ever" He sighed

At school, the stage was already set. There, Jungwon saw his friends except for Jay. His friends approached him earning a smile from his mother

"Jungwon" Heesung greeted with a feeling of excitement

"Mom, this is my friends" Jungwon smiled as he introduced them

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