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Sabre's point of view
I woke up not sure when I fell asleep. It didn't feel like I was laying to someone. The sun was up but it wasn't shining on my face.

I felt hot. Not in a good way too. I pulled my hood down to cool myself off slightly. I look around and saw that I was the only one here. Was everyone else awake? Why didn't they wake me up?

I sigh and get up stretching my back and arms. I leaned against the wall feeling slightly dizzy. Please don't tell me I'm sick-

The energy... is it in me? No, it can't be... but I guess it wouldn't hurt to check. No one is around anyone. I get out of the ditch and still don't see anyone.

I slowly make my way to the river and kneel in front of it. The River shone slightly from the sunlight that reached through the trees.

I reach for my blindfold, but I flinched in hesitation. I'm always very careful about this. I look around not seeing anyone still and takes it off.

I look done at the water to see my reflection and immediately see something I didn't expect to see. I jump back slightly scared. I quickly look back into the water though.

My code. Bright green zeros and ones were mostly okay except a few that were broken in half and were glitching.

This can't be happening. This can't be. I don't fully understand what it is, but I know it can't be good. Just can't.

I quickly put my Blindfold back over my eyes. Hopefully, no one felt the strong energy that comes off of me every time I take it off. I back up and put a hand on my head in shock.

I quickly feel how warm it was. I was running a fever. Not good. Is it from my code-breaking? Or from the sickness that is most likely in me.

I splash some water on my face to calm me down. I took a few deep breaths. It's okay. For now, we need to break the illusion so everyone is happy. Then I can deal with this.

"Sabre! Where are you!?" I heard Galaxy say from the distance.

"I'm coming!" I call back to him and go over to his voice. I soon see him and wave hello.

"How did you sleep?" He asked me. He looked slightly relieved to see me.

"I slept fine. Why do you ask?" I look at him.

"We tried to wake you up earlier, but you didn't wake up." Galaxy said with concern in his voice.

"Sorry guess I was more tired than I thought," I said nervously rubbing the back of my head.

"Also what happened to your chicken onesie?" He asked changing the subject.

"It meets its end a while ago. I don't have the supplies to fix it."

"Maybe we can still fix it." He says.

"Maybe. I'll probably wear it at night though."

"Than I'll fix it!" He says smiling and I smile back.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask.

"Eating breakfast. I just went to get you."

"Let's go then." Galaxy smiles and leads me to the others. They were all around a campfire eating breakfast. Illusion distanced himself from others.

"Hey, guys," I say and wave to them.

"Good morning Sabre." The Guardian said to me.

"Hey, Sabre!" Alex said cheerfully. Overseer just looks at me and nods.

I sit down next to Illusion and smile.

"I guess you want me to break the Illusion?" He asked me.

"Only when you're ready." He is trying to be good I saw some of that when we were fishing.

"After breakfast then." I nod and see a plate of food that was untouched. I knew it was mine and I ate my share.

"Once we get back I'll help the town get back in order since the sickness is gone." The Overseer says.

"Yeah, the Steves will be confused."

"Also we left Time Steve in the machine and-..." I let my voice trail.

"I didn't destroy him if you were wondering." I heard Illusion said. Why did I forget that?

"My son is alive!" Galaxy said happily. I finished eating and I was also the last one to finish.

"Okay. Everyone get ready." Illusion says and gets up. I do too along with everyone else.

"I don't know where everyone will be, but no one should get hurt." Illusion says. We all listen carefully and brace ourselves. Lighting starts to strike everywhere. The sound of Thunder filled the world. My ears start to ring and my vision goes white.

I open my eyes once the ringing in my ears stopped. I looked around to see that I was exactly where I was before. Before the Illusion started. I turned around and saw Time Steve still stuck in the machine.

I look at him to see nothing has changed. He still wore his white clock mask. He has a brown cloak over her head and it went down to his ankles. He also wore a brown suit with three golden buttons going down the suit. His suit was open to reveal a faded dark blue Shirt. He wore faded blue jeans and had brown shoes that matched his style.

I haven't seen any Steve dress up like him. It's so different from everyone else who wears casual clothes.

"Alex? Galaxy? Anyone?" I call out and look around to see Alex.

"I'm here. No one else is though. You were in a daze for a few minutes." I was probably more affected by the illusion of breaking somehow. Maybe it's just because I'm a code jumper.

"Why didn't you let Time Steve out of the machine?" I asked.

"I didn't want him to freak out with you staring into space." I nod. Good point. I go up t0 the machine and pull the lever forward to let Time out.

Time Steve slowly looks around before coming out of the machine. He was slightly off balance by the looks of it. Getting used to walking again. I would be too if I was trapped in a machine for so long.

"Sabre? Alex?" He says confused.

"It's good to see you back." I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Alex, can you explain what's going on? I'll work on talking down the machine before we go to town."

"Sure. No problem." She goes over to Time and talks to him. I sigh with relief. I'm happy we are back in the real world. I look at Time and Alex one more time and start working on the machine.
(Words 1118)

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