🖤 Chapter 1🖤

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(Picture above is what Mallory looks like)

Third P.O.V

Dizzy... And dark... That's all error felt and saw... That was until he opened his eyes. Sitting up slowly, error looked around. But instead of finding himself in an AU or the void, he didn't find himself anywhere. The only thing he could see was shapes and error signs everywhere. He rubbed his hurting head, touching his eyes only for them to burn.

Error hissed in pain as he shut his eyes to see complete darkness. He knew what was happening, it happened before. Error was blind... But for how long and why? Sadly, he didn't know just yet. Error felt around and leaned on a brick wall. Standing up, error reached out and a code like pattern was formed in front of him. Good thing was that error could at least see his code and shapes of objects and people around him. Even feeling their souls. Error let out a sigh and checked the coding for where he was.

His 'eye's' went wide as he looked at the code, right now he was in an alleyway. As for where, well, that's what shocked him. Apparently, error had somehow landed in a different multiverse. This one was called "Naj multiverse: Copy 13#". It had shocked him even more after reading about the history of this multiverse. No monster's had magic or the old traditions, such as combining souls together like a soulmate story. Reading more into the code, he had found out that there was already a error here and he was a "Gym teacher". Whatever the hell that was...

Error sighed, knowing what he had to do... He needed to find a new name and add himself into the multiverse. But what was going to be his name?...


"The name's Mooney Toots!~"

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"The name's Mooney Toots!~"

Said the female 'human' as she smiled at the black tad skeleton.


Error smiled as he came up with the perfect name for him. "Mallory Moon..." He said out loud as he type into the code. Now all he needed was a place to stay... But where?

And that's where he started walking the streets. What felt like hour's of searching when it only took thirty minutes. Error (Mallory) had finally found an apartment building. Going in to the front desk, error (M) got the key to his room after signing some papers and answering some questions. He went up to his room and unlocked the door. Looking around to find that the whole place was already furnished and cleaned.

Error smiled and went to the master bedroom. A few hours later, error had 'bought' a few things such as a sewing machine, needles, yarn, a computer, ECT. He smiled as he started working on making an blanket for himself. Being blind wouldn't help error at all with his netting and such if it weren't for him being blind before.


Sunday: 6:00 a.m.

Waking up as the sun brighten the room. Error Had woken up to birds chirping and the busy streets of the city.
It had been one day in his home, and sadly, error knew he needed a job. And being a murderer was not something he wanted to be ever again. So he got out of his comfy bed and stretched his already cracked Bone's. Error went to his closet and pulled out a red velvet turtle neck shirt and some black jeans. He had made most of his clothes last night with the sewing machine.

Walking out of his room and into the kitchen. Error looked at the rectangle shape infront of him. He felt for the handle and opened the fridge, grabbing the chocolate milk carton. Poking the straw in while walking to the couch. Carefully sitting down on the soft couch, he pulled out the coding looking for a stable job.

After a couple minutes, he found out the school near his apartment was looking for a sewing teacher and were hiring no matter your job background. Error (M) smiled as he realized he could go in today to sign up. Error got up and put on his shoes, ready to head out, not before scheduling for a meeting of course. Locking the door, as he headed for the highschool using shapes and the coding to help.


Finally, error, or better known as Mallory for the moment. Had walked up to the highschool, blindfold over his blind eyes. Walking into the school just waiting to get lost...


The room was silent as no one was willing to talk... Ink, the art teacher, was leaning against one of the many walls in the room. As suger and nightmare, the music teacher and history teacher, were sitting in the two chairs. Leaving the one in the middle open for the, hopefully, new teacher. It wasn't every day the vise principal called a last minute meeting. Apparently, there was a job application filled only an hour ago from someone named 'Mallory moon'. It was already weird enough that he had the last name of their beloved sewing teacher from before, who had died do to unknown illness. She was also error, the Gym teacher's, ex wife before she met her untimely fate.

It was a sad lose and had brought back memories of her, hearing her last name once more. But back to the topic at hand, dream was the first to speak. "I'm sure they'll be amazing!" He said, trying to bring hope to the table. "No wonder your son is a cheerleader..." Said error as he frowned. "Oh come on error! I'm sure dream is right, after all, we haven't met them yet!" Said ink, as he tried to help his co-worker cheer up. To say it wasn't working was an understatement.

To be honest, you couldn't blame the guy. He had just heard a new guy/girl had taken the job of his dead wife and has the same last name. At first he had thought it was family member but scratch that thought hearing the person was an skeleton. Knowing his ex wives family is full of humans... It just hurt him was all, and it felt like no one cared... No one cared he was hurting. So he left the room, leaving the others to talk amongst themselves.

Error walked down the hallway, deep in thought about things like ' How would his son feel?'. Error knew the lose of his wife had hurt his oldest more than anything. His youngest, gradient, wouldn't know the difference at his age. He was interrupted from his thoughts as he bumped into an hard chest. Hearing sickening cracks of ribs being broken. Error instantly looked up to see a very tall black boned skeleton with sapphire tear marks down his face. But what confused him the most was that this black boned ho- skeleton had a white blindfold on.

Error tried to find the words he was looking for but the tall male beat him to it. "I'm sorry, I didn't 'see' you there..." The male said, laughing slightly at his own pun. Of course the other male didn't get it, not knowing that he was blind to a certain point. Error was lost for words but was nonetheless able to say what he needed. "No,no, it's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going anyway..." Error said in his unusual soft voice. He was stunned for how deep this man's voice was. Yet, it was still smooth and glitchy at the same time.

"I've never seen you before, why are you here?" Error asked. The tall skeleton smiled softly, and took his big yet scared hand to the back of his head. "Well I'm lost and I'm here for the job of being the new sewing teacher..." He said, kind of nervous. Error stopped when he heard the second part...

"You must be Mallory Moon..." He whispered with a hint of grudge. Mallory heard it but had hunch why... After all... He was going through the lost of someone he held close to him as well....


Hope you liked the first chapter, I kinda got tired and stuff. So I didn't write as much as I wanted for you guy's... Bye( ╹▽╹ )

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