🖤Chapter 3🖤

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Credit to:https://my.w.tt/FkNzM6nRRbb

Third p.o.v

Ink smiled, know he succeeded in asking out the new guy. Giving he didn't actually ask him out... But let's not count that. "It's settled then! We meet at the cafe on... What day is good for you?" Ink asked/said. Mallory thought for a moment " how about on the first day of 'school' " he said. Mallory being Mallory, had no idea what school actually is, he had only heard of it from one of the frisk.

Ink smiled even more, putting his hands on his hips in victory. He was su- re to win that bet now! Even though it had been five years... He put the thought aside and focused on the hot skeleton in front of him. Blushing slightly at what he had just called him. "Perfect! See you on Monday Mall's!" Ink said as he walked away. Mallory had a small yellow and blue hue on his cheek bone's. Just in one day he already had somebody hitting on him and giving him a nickname.

Mallory just nodded and headed out the door and into an occupied alleyway. Opening up a portal, he hopped in and closed it behind him. Once he landed in the safeness of his apartment, he opened a safe code for this multiverse.
He was shocked to see the was information about everybody in the sc-
hool he was just in. Apparently, his counterpart had two kids and was once going out with the ink of this MV. He just didn't know what his kids looked liked.

But to keep the privacy of others around him, he closed his UI and teleported into his room. Where he lead for the rest of the day and night.


Mallory walked to the front of the school. Nobody was really here yet, kids would come later. Mallory walked into the school, hand on the walls as he guided his way to the office he was in the last time he was here. He found the office and opened the door, despite not being able to see he could tell who was there. Muffet, nightmare, and ink, he was still on edge with ink but didn't show it. Good thing was he wouldn't be able to have a panic attack because he couldn't see him. It made all of this easier and helped him with fitting in into this multiverse.

"Morning..." He said in a low whisper, loud enough for the others to hear. "Morning Mr Mallory, come closer please" said muffet. Mallory walked over and stood in between ink and nightmare. "So Mr Mallory, I have a proposal for you and one of our students" said muffet while smiling. "What is this said proposal?" Asked Mallory, he was hesitant to even ask that. Muffet smiled more and gestured to the door, just on time, the door opened and a new soul walked into the room.

Mallory turned around a bit hearing the new comer walk in. He had a wary look that only nightmare cought. "Hello! My name is shade, fresh's sister!" Said shade. Mallory nodded, calming down as the female student walks up to him. "I'm here to help you get from one place without getting lost" she said in a happy tone. Mallory nodded as ink spoke up, "I'll be right next to your class so when you need to go somewhere and shade isn't able to help, you'll have me!" Ink said with a smile. Mallory nodded again as they all three walked out the door and to the old sewing room.

Once they got there, the room was silent and had brought back memories to shade and ink. Last time they were in here, an pale but beautiful woman sat at the now empty desk. Everything that was once belonged here was moved out. Mallory could sense the old soul that reminded him of his own... Or half of it really. "Welp, this is your new room Mall's!" Ink said as shade looked confused at the nickname. Mallory nodded and slowly walked to the old desk. Feeling everything around him from walls, the desk, to the black chair. Everything was hand made, he could tell by the wood style and how it was carved.

Mallory new who his counterpart had lost, and he understood how much anger error felt towards him. He sat down on the chair as he felt every inch of the desk and it's carving pattern. He smiled softly as it reminded him of the woman he had once loved in his MV. Oh how much he missed that smile and those gorgeous yellow eyes that just seemed to bright up every time he saw them. A soft yellow blush covered his bony cheeks as his smile got bigger. Grabbing the upside down cross around his neck as he sat there, taking in everything. Forgetting the two in room. To many memories crossed his mind as shade gestured them both to leave him be.

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