Chapter 2

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The next day, Kana was to meet Jayden at dawn for training, like in the old days. They had a team training session after breakfast, but the two insisted on having a one on one before that. Kana sat up from her bed, looking around to her room. Nothing had changed in a year, everything was where she'd left it, and it saddened her to think that Mentor never had the heart to clean it out. Him and Jayden had never really accepted that she was gone, which pained Kana. Yet at the same time, made her happy that they cared so much for her.

She stood and went to her closet, finding the training gear she used to wear. She went to grab it, but hesitated. The training gear was meant for Samurais, she wasn't one anymore...

Shaking her head, she grabbed it. Surprised that it still fit her perfectly, she went over to the mirror she had behind her door, and examined herself. Her arms were exposed, seeing as the top was short sleeves, and her scars were prominent. She was never the type to be insecure about those things, scars or not, she knew what her duty was as a Power Ranger. The training gear was the same as Jayden's though hers was fully black. Looking to the end of her bed, she frowned at her Spin Sword, now just a useless katana. She then went into the bathroom and freshened up, and then headed outside to the training grounds. There, Jayden waited for her with two wooden katana.

The beauty took in a breath, looking up to the dark sky with a smile. How she'd missed mornings like these.

"Morning," Jayden turned to her. He frowned as he eyed her arms, "is that from one year ago?"

"Yeah, but it's nothing. Could've been a lot worse," Kana shrugged it off, but even so Jayden wore a guilty look. "Jay, it's fine." She assured, the red ranger shaking it off for now, throwing one sword to her and she grabbed it easily. She examined it carefully, swinging it around a bit. She hadn't trained with a sword since the last time she was here, this would be interesting.

"I won't go easy," Jayden warned, taking a fighting stance.

"Good," Kana did the same, "then neither will I." The two then went silent, and circled one another cautiously. Jayden then charged quickly, his sword overhead ready to strike. Kana stood her ground, and blocked his blow with her own sword. She gritted her teeth, his blows had gotten stronger. Maneuvering around Jayden, Kana sidestepped and swiped his sword away to create an opening for her to strike. But Jayden was quick; when she brought her sword to his side, he'd already composed himself and blocked the blow. The two locked eyes, and they each couldn't help their determined smiles.

They backed off, only to clash once more. Like this it went on for two long minutes, but Kana knew she was outmatched. She was out of practice, and was not used to the grip of a sword anymore, it weighed heavier than her twin scythes. Jayden ended up parrying one of her strikes, and then sent her sword flying out of her hands. Kana stopped as Jayden had his sword to her throat. The two panted heavily, and didn't say anything for a few moments.

"You don't fight with a sword anymore." Jayden commented, lowering his and straightening out.
"You can tell that much?" Kana half teased with a chuckle.

"Not really, but I saw the footage from your fight last night." He shrugged, going over and picking up the other wooden sword, "twin scythes, never thought any other weapon other than a katana would suit you, guess I was wrong."

"I wish I could've stayed with a sword," Kana admitted, now looking to the Morpher on her wrist.

"Don't, you're stronger now, that's all that matters." Jayden flashed the beauty a smile, and she eased. Kana had forgotten how easily it was for Jayden to make her feel better, to make her feel at ease. Kana followed Jayden as the two sat at the ledge before the house entrance. "Tell me about the training you went through." Kana knew he'd ask, so she wasn't surprised when he did.

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