Mr. Perfect and Ms. Klutz (Part 3)

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After school let out for the day, Ariel had started making her way to Riley's car because the three girls always hung out after school most of the time sleeping over at Ariels when they chose her place, which was about 90% of the time because Ariel's parents were working most of the time and Ariel was an only child.
On the way to Riley's car, Ariel's mind wandered to Mr. Perfect and the way he's been acting since 4th period. He had been constantly glancing at Ariel with the same pouty look as if he was saying sorry with his eyes, and it was beginning to be quite hard to stay mad at him, she wished he could just go back to his usual smirking, playful and obnoxious self so she could hate him once more and not feel guilty for being the cause of the sadness in his eyes. 'But it serves him right for reading her diary, it was his own fault and he deserves it.' Ariel thought to herself as she neared the car.

Ariel got into the back of Riley's white Toyota Prius, Mira sat shotgun while she was waiting on Riley, she was usually the last to the car because of cheer practice so Ariel and Mira always got to the car first right before Cheer practice was over.

Mira was completely absorbed into her phone with her headphones in, she gave Ariel a small two fingered wave acknowledging that she knew Ariel was in the car. Ariel mimicked the wave but doubted that Mira noticed and pulled out her chemistry book to get her usual head start on her homework.

It had been about twenty minutes and both girls started to think that the cheer coach was keeping the girls late, which happened more frequently then not. Ariel looks out the window and spots Evan walking out of the school, the weird thing  is that he was completely alone. Which was a rare sight for Evan Prefect. He was always surrounded by his friends and teammates, but that's none of Ariel's business so she chose to go back to her book.

Not long after Ariel hears a tapping on the window, choosing to ignore it she continues her homework. The tapping on the window got louder and got hard to ignore, Ariel looked up to Evan Prefect. She rolled her eyes but opened the door nonetheless, he wouldn't quit tapping unless she did.

"Ariel, I'm really sorry." Evan says again in a pitiful voice, it made Ariels heart clench for some odd reason that she chose to ignore. Ariel got out of the car and closed the door then looked Evan directly in the eyes with a raised eyebrow.

"Evan, why do you care if I like you or not? Why are you even bothering?" Ariel asked in an annoyed tone, though she was genuinely curious to know why he's putting so much effort into apologizing and she'd be lying if she said she didn't like it.

"Because im truly sorry i read your diary... and i don't like that you're completely ignoring me."

"Oh, so that's what this is all about? You can't stand the thought of someone disliking you? You have to make sure everyone in the world has to love and adore Evan Prefect." Ariel says in an angry manner, she felt slightly hurt that he was only apologizing to her so that he has no one on his bad side.

"What? No Ari, it's not like tha-" Evan attempted to say before he was interrupted by Riley.

"Evan, whatcha doing here? I thought you had baseball practice." Riley says in a confused innocent tone.


"Nothing Riles, he was just leaving." Ariel says glaring at Evan.

"Ari, can you let me fin-"

"Just go away Evan." With that Ariel got back into the car slamming the door shut, but before she had she heard Riley whisper a sorry to Evan who just nodded to her making his way back into the school. Riley then sat in the driver's seat and let out a breath.

"Hey boo, why did Evan look like a lost puppy?" Mira says turning her head to me.

"I was wondering the same thing."

"It's nothing. Just stupid Evan trying to apologize again." Ariel said with an eye roll. Both the girls then glanced at each other and gave a small nod before making their way to Ariels house.

The entire ride Ariel couldn't help but think about Evan and wondered why she had a small pain in her chest thinking about the conversation they had just had and the dejected look that had rested on his face. She was starting to miss the playful cocky old Evan Prefect, the image of his smirk and laugh started playing in her head, and the way he looks when he's deep in thought was sending butterflies to her stomach. She then mentally smacked herself trying to wake up from the daydream she was having. Ariel refused to think of Evan in such a manner and she would make sure it wouldn't happen again, though what she didn't know was that she would soon leave that mind set behind.

For the rest of the night no matter how much she tried, Ariel's mind continuously drifted off back to Evan Prefect.

Thanks for reading!!!! Hope y'all have a wonderful day. ( )

Published: 11/22/2020
Word count: 911 words

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