5: Fly on the Wall

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"You too Mr

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"You too Mr. Knight."

What the hell? What does she want? After being forced to watch this poorly executed reenactment of a teen drama, all I want to do is go back to my dorm and listen to music. I side-eye Kennedy, her shoulders are slumped in defeat, her eyes weary. Clearly, she doesn't want to be here either.

After the stunt she pulled with me to get Malibu Ken's attention, I don't blame her. The tension between Kennedy and Corrine was palpable, although somewhat amusing. I've got to give the girl some credit though, she has some top-notch self-control. If someone threw something at me in front of the whole class, I'd rage.  

I guess that chick Max is the enforcer in their friendship; she straight up annihilated Barbie girl. Witnessing a verbal catfight is entertaining, but somewhat unnerving. Girls are fucking ruthless; much more so than us men. Yeah, we might knock out a couple of teeth, but Christ, girls go straight for the jugular.

Kennedy and I approach Mrs. Patella's desk, both of us refusing to look at one another. She'll kiss me but apparently, eye contact is too much.

"Miss Carmichael, Mr. Knight, thank you for hanging back." Mrs. Patella's eyes flicker between the two of us, until finally landing on Kennedy. "I just wanted to propose an idea. Since Mr. Knight is a new student, I was thinking it would be nice if you could show him around. I know you just gave a tour to all the Freshmen but if you had time, I'm sure Mr. Knight would appreciate it."

Kennedy laughs nervously, side-eyeing me. "I guess I could...but uh- I think that Oliver's been shown around already. Right?"

I suppress a laugh. She really doesn't want to spend time alone with me. Frankly, neither do I. However, having to show me around will irritate the shit out of her which would make me quite pleased.

"Actually, I haven't," I say innocently. "I'd love a tour."

Kennedy's jaw tightens as she forces a smile. "Okay," she says through her teeth. "Sure, no problem."

Mrs. Patella claps her hands. "Fantastic! Thank you so much, Miss Carmichael, you're always so accommodating."

Kennedy flaps her hand. "Oh, it's nothing. Always glad to help!"

I scoff inwardly. "Suck-up," I mutter under my breath and she shoots me a death glare.

"Well, off you go, kids!" Mrs. Patella exclaims, shooing us out of the room.

"After you, love," I smirk, causing a deep scowl to appear on Kennedy's face as we exit the classroom. Oh, yes. This will be fun.

Kennedy stops us halfway down the hallway. "Why did you agree to this? Do you honestly need a tour? We have a map of the school on our website, can't you just look at that?"

I cock my head to the side. "Didn't you say in your little speech that your job as a Liaison is to ensure that students have all the resources they need to be successful? I would think knowing where my classes are is essential to my success, no?"

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