"Can you, can you hear me?"

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Every person has one line tattooed on their arm, one line that belonged to their Soulmates first words that they'd hear. Destiny Drew never understood hers, "can you, can you hear me?" Who would say that to her? Drew always wanted to know, she longed for her soulmate to appear to her, a part of her lived for it. But then she died.

Reggie grew up watching Drew on his old TV, her kids rock show made him want to learn Bass. Reggie could never quite grasp what his tattoo said, it was on his back and whenever he tried to read it in the mirror it made his head hurt. So he gave up trying to read it, he never realised that his soulmate had already spoken those words to him. He had crushes on lots of different Girls and Boys, but the way Drew made him feel that was something he could never quite describe. He longed to meet her, then she died. And a few years later he followed in her footsteps.


Drew had been a ghost for 27 years, she had gone all over the world, and watched it grow, she watched her old cast mates become famous and watched her family move on. But out of everywhere she could spend her time, her favourite place was this new modelled bike shack that over looked the ocean.
Drew sat on the decked floor and looked out on the ocean, listening to her old songs from the 90's. There was something about the crashing waves that calmed her, but her view was distorted by three guys jumping on to the sand. They seemed to look directly at her, 'maybe they just like bikes' she thought to herself. One of the guys, the one in the black leather jacket fall to the floor in what seemed like a bit of a tantrum, Drew furrowed her eyebrows over what was happening with these three ghosts. Out of curiosity and nosiness she paused her music.

"C'mon Reginald." The blonde guy said.

Reginald, the name seem to make Drew smile. This punk rock guy was different, there was more to him than what showed on the outside.

"Can you, Can you hear me?" They boy sang loudly, and proudly. But those words made Drew's heart drop, she couldn't believe it, a part of her didn't want to believe it. After all this time, now? Now that she's dead? Really universe Drew cursed. The boy continued singing with his bandmates, the more he sang the faster Drew's heart was beating. "Cause it's been years!" The three boys shouted. He looked so excited and happy, how had she never seen him before?

As the three boys started dancing down the street Drew reached her arm out and touched Reggie's shoulder, making him yelp "dude you scared the unliving daylights out of me." After his initial shock was cleared he looked at he person that had scared him. Reggie couldn't quite place how he knew her, her sunglasses and hat hid some of her face. But there was no denying that she was beautiful, "oh, well, hello. I'm Reggie, nice to meet you. I guess you like my song. We're sunset curve -"

"Ill tell my friends." Drew said. Her voice, Reggie knew it, he grew up to that voice.

Reggie's hand started to shake but he had to know for sure, he slowly reached out and took off her hat and glassed. From the hat wavy dark red hair flowed across her broad shoulder, her lack of glasses revealed her piercing grey eyes, "oh-my-Destin-destiny Drew?" Reggie exhaled loudly and was struggling to breath, he couldn't believe that he was actually meeting her, "you, your...I"

"Call me Drew."

"OooohhhhKay" Reggie laughed through his breath, he was there speaking to THE Destiny Drew and he was already allowed to call her by Drew, he was shocked by his lack of fainting but was so grateful that he hadn't. That would be embarrassing.

The two other boys jumped next to ready, slightly startling Drew, "these are your bandmates?"

"Uh, oh, uhm this is Luke and this is Alex."

"Pleasure to meet you boys."

Luke looked at her strangely for a moment before realising who she was, "Destiny Drew?"

"In the flesh, kinda."

"No way, Reggie has had a huge crush on since he was like 6." Reggie whacked Luke in the gut to make him stop, "dude!?"

"That's not true." He tried to play off, even though it clearly was.

"Well, i am also a big fan, so its great to meet you." Alex held out his hand.

Drew obliged to the shake, "thank you." Alex looked down at Drew's wrist as her hand came out and he saw the tattoo. The words Reggie just sang, Reggie probably has no clue, he never read his. Does he know that his all time celebrity crush might actually be his soulmate? Drew saw Alex examining her wrist and pulled her hand away. "Well, would you look at the time, I'm running late for ghost things, bye guys."

Drew began to walk away. Alex looked over at Reggie who immediately began to look sad that he hadn't made a move and pushed him forward to encourage him.

"Hey, Drew?"

"Yes?" She turned quickly, she tried to hide the smile that quickly formed on her face but couldn't.

"If you ever want to hear the story of how we became ghosts that would be cool, it's a pretty interesting story."

"I'd like that, just call out my name."

"Yeah, will do."

Drew jumped, disappearing from view.

"Dude, did you see her wrist?" Alex said.

"Unlike you Alex, i look at a girls eyes." Reggie said.

"No, you doofus. Her soulmate tattoo is on her wrist."

"Aw, please don't tell me your her soulmate."

"I actually, i can't. Just next time you see her look at her wrist."


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