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Waking up to someone you think you love is magical.

I look around and see Kian sleeping peacfully next to me. Stuff happened last night and it was magical. But I knew I could never get over Ricky. I look at Kian for a while. He was such a nice person, I didn't want to break his heart if I still loved Ricky.

But lets just see how this goes.

I fall back asleep and wake back up and Kians gone. But the smell of beakfast is wafting up to his bedroom. I grab one of his oversized sweaters and put it on. I slowly walk downstairs and see him making some omlets and see a box of toaster pastries on the counter. I walk up behind him and hug him. He turns around and starts to kiss me. It starts to get heated but we get interupted by the toaster pastries popping out of the toaster. We stop and by then I was sitting on the counter and he grabs the toater pastries.

"Isla now you can see that I am no chef."

I laugh and grab the toaster pastries from his hand. I take a bite then put it down.

"So...I'm guessing we are a thing now?" I ask him.

I can see his smile as he is flipping an omelet. "Well if you want to..."

He turns around as he puts the omelet on a plate. I jump from the counter and put on my tip toes to kiss him. When we pull apart he looks down and says, "I see my sweater fits you well." I blush and he lifts my chin up so I'm looing into his eyes.

"Isla I l-"

Before he can finish we are interupted by the smoke ditector going off. "Sh*t!"

I run and grab a fire extigwisher. We put out the fire and me and Kians eyes meet. We start laughing and I feel like a can't breath.

Was I in love with someone who wasn't Ricky?

Secret Love (A Ricky Dillon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now