01. dickers

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word count : 698

word count : 698

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THE HALLS OF ABBEY GROVE WERE QUIET with the lack of students occupying them, most were in class and the few ditching weren't in plain sight and knew to keep their voices down. Maeve Wickers was the only student in sight. She was looking for her new classroom after being kicked out of her old school.

    Her small hand knocked on a few doors as she waltzed down the hall at her own pace until she found the door she was looking for. ' Form K ' , her brothers class , was written in big letters on the front of a chipped blue door , drawings of penis's were flashed carelessly on the paper , Maeve smirked.


    Opening the door of the classroom the blonde was greeted with her brother , Alfie Wickers , looking positively hungover and talking to one of the students across from his desk. She was pretty and if Maeve had guessed right , she was very wrongly trying to seduce her brother.

   "oh please," Maeve finally walked over with her arms folded over her chest and her perfectly shaped eyebrow arched all the way to the roof "it'll be a bother getting him into bed love , the man doesn't even know his arse from his elbow or his dick from his pinkie finger."

   Both brunettes stared in shock , Alfie being absolutely flabbergasted at Maeve's sudden appearance and the outburst she'd just come out with in front of the girl she would soon learn is named chantelle , besides the story about his dick and pinkie finger was meant to be a secret.

    "Maeve? why are you here?" Alfie gave his sister and student death glares at their smirks and sniggers from the joke told a few seconds ago, Chantelle's eyes were practically beaming with delight.

    "Got kicked out of good ol St. mountbeck , mum and Javier," She put as much emphasis on the names as she could " didn't want me back in spain with their new bundles of joy so here i am!" Maeve exclaimed , just as the door opened when Alfie was about to speak.

  "Rem Dogg , why are you late?" The teacher asked as he diverted his attention to the two late comers , one in a wheelchair and one with perfectly healthy legs who Maeve was already drooling over.

    He motioned to his wheelchair, that was obviously going to be hard to push around " Wheelchair." He simply stated in the most obvious tone someone could achieve .

    "And you , Mitchell?" Alfie finally asked the student trailing behind. Mitchell , she thought for a moment it wasn't the plainest name and she liked it. He was already looking at Maeve before her brother had time to mention there was a new student.

   "Mitchell?" Alfie asked again, finally pulling both teenagers out of the trance like states they were in "Why are you late?"

   "well this thing don't push itself does it?" Mitchell rhetorically asked as he turned to walk to his seat , giving Maeve one last glance and even throwing in a wink before Alfie could speak up again

    "Mitchell please.. it's monday morning, i have a hangover and my sisters just joined the class ." He motioned towards her. Maeve was currently leant against the front desk seeming bored as she observed her acrylic nails.

   "You're mini dickers?" The boy questioned , Maeve simply rose an eyebrow and glared threateningly towards Mitchell  ' watch it '  She mouthed with a smile.

   Mitchell retreated with a smirk and his hands held above his head.

   "Right, Maeve" Alfie looked around for a spare seat. Unfortunately the only one was next to who Maeve had now sworn was going to be her mortal enemy at her new school , shame he was cute "You'll have to sit next to Mitchell."

   Before the blonde could argue Alfie was already asking another boy in the front row to go and see if the first aid kit had anything to cure his hangover , yes her brother was an idiot.

    Maeve sighed and trudged her way over to the free seat , flinging her bags on the ground and sitting down with a huff she looked back over to Mitchell and sniggered

    "Where the fuck's his hair?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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