32- Niall

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Tagged: grace_j16 ❤️ 897,055 niallhoran: I don't want to leave this paradise ———————————————————————————J_tommo12: you talking about Grace or the beach?

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Tagged: grace_j16
❤️ 897,055
niallhoran: I don't want to leave this paradise
J_tommo12: you talking about Grace or the beach?

Niallhoran: @j_tommo12 both ❤️

Skyler09: I'm so glad you guys had a great time! But I can't wait to see my best friend again!

Grace_j16: I'm going to miss you so much baby! I'm glad you're going to see your family! Tell them I say hello! ❤️

Niallhoran: @grace_j16 next time I visit you better come with me

Grace_j16: of course I will babe! I really want to meet them!

Niallslover: ugh! I bet she's just saying that so that she can brag that she met Niall Horan's family....pathetic

J_tommo12: @niallslover it sounds like you're the pathetic one since you're constantly on their accounts commenting hate

Knopp6: you look beautiful Grace!
They're vacay is over :( now they have to go their separate ways to celebrate the holidays with family. We'll see them together again soon since they will spend New Years together and then Niall starts touring North America! Thanks for reading!
~Grace :)

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