63- Katie

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Tagged: noah_brick, knopp6, j_tommo12, skyler09, seth4, grace_j16, niallhoran ❤️ 78,684katiecakes: officially Mrs

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Tagged: noah_brick, knopp6, j_tommo12, skyler09, seth4, grace_j16, niallhoran
❤️ 78,684
katiecakes: officially Mrs. Brick!
Grace_j16: such a fun last name! Congrats you guys! Xx

Niallupdates: can we just appreciate how everyone looks so happy in this picture?! Congrats!

Noah_brick: can't believe I get to be married to you for the rest of my life....I love you Mrs. Brick xx

Katiecakes: I love you too sweetheart! Can't wait to grow old with you xx

Knopp6: now I'm the only one who doesn't have a boyfriend! :(

Grace_j16: you'll find one @knopp6. It just takes patience...trust me

Niallhoran: congrats you guys! Thanks for letting me come! Cheers!

Noah_brick: ofc @niallhoran! You are a part of the friend family!

Niallupdates: it warms my heart to know that Niall has such wonderful friends from Grace. They are the ultimate otp
So Katie and Noah are married! So exciting! I wonder what is going to happen next with Grace and Niall....thanks for reading!
~Grace :)

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