62- Grace

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Tagged: noah_brick, katiecakes, j_tommo12, seth4, knopp6

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Tagged: noah_brick, katiecakes, j_tommo12, seth4, knopp6

❤️ 87,683

grace_j16: bts of one of my best friend's wedding!
J_tommo12: they really are the cutest couple

Seth4: ummm what about us @j_tommo12? I think we're pretty cute too

J_tommo12: we definitely are baby @seth4

Grace_j16: see @j_tommo12? Didn't I tell you that you would find someone after I said you were on our beach trip single? It worked out!

Shawnmendes: congrats to your friend! Hope that's you and Niall one of these days!

Niallhoran: oh it definitely will be @shawnmendes

Directioner4life: did Niall just say that they were going to be getting married soon?!

Grace_j16: not sure @directioner4life....I do want to just not yet. Maybe in a year or two?
Niall and Grace talking about marriage already?! Wild. Thanks for reading!
~Grace :)

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