Step 2: Title

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You know what really grinds my gears?

Having long ass titles to a story. Like the picture on the side I created as an example. BBB (Bad Boy's Bæ.) lol don't judge. I make this stuff up on the spot.

Am I the only one? I hope not...

It's better having Bad Boy's Bæ than Ohmagurd I forgot the title because it's so long!

We don't need a summary of your story as your title.

Here's what your title should be....

1) short. We don't need a sentence summary of your book. No more than 10 words.

2) Catchy! Something that compels the readers into wanting to actually read it!

3) Clear, and by that I mean it goes with your story. You don't want a book about a girl falling in love, but call it Food Forever.... Like what the actual f***? Unless it's a food love story, keep the Big Macs and fried chicken out of there.

(I know, you must love food so much as to name your love story Food Forever, but keep that for something else.)

So, if you want your book to stay classy, make sure the title is short, catchy, and clear! (SCC)

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