part 1, best friends.

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HIIIII IM THE AUTHOR HEHEHE. 1, I have ZERO intention of offending any CCs or anyone mentioned/ reading in this story. IF I OFFEND YOU PLS LMKKKK. 2, Just like "heatwaves" had a song to match with it, I ALSO HAVE ONE! It's Cry baby by the neighborhood. PLZ ENJOYYYYYY

TWS- swearing.


I have been best friends with Fundy for over 7 years now. We get along super well and it's nice to meet some of his other friends.

Yeah, I'll admit, I get jealous sometimes but that doesn't change a thing. Fundy and I will always be together no matter what. His friend even invited me to their SMP! It's really cool.

New text message from FURRY BOI HEHE

|Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Join discord call with me!!!! :D

I join  the discord call and interrupt on something he says, "Hey Fundyyy!"

I hear his excitement in his voice, "Hiii y/n!"

I greet him and continue, "Hi. I have some news."

"oooooh, what is it?" Fundy asks jumping in his seat a little.

"I have to go to Florida to help my parents so, I can finally get my facecam back!" Ever since I moved to Vermont, I haven't had the money or time to get anything but a PC, mic, keyboard, and most essentials.

"That's the best news ive heard all day! Your mic sucks" Fundy says laughing.

"Yeah, my flight leaves in- HOLY SHIT 1 HOUR I GOTTA GO."


"Sorry, I'll text you later! Byeee!" I hang up the discord call and pack up my things.

I make sure I have all essentials like a toothbrush, clothes, snacks, and a phone charger.

I take my phone and AirPods and head out the door, expecting to see tons of traffic. But instead, I just see a few cars passing by.

Vermont isn't that interesting. Mostly just forests, small villages, and old wrinkly married couples who moved here for peace.

I get into my small car which smells like old gummy bears and back out of my driveway.

"SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT-" I stop halfway out of my driveway and get out of the car, running back inside.

I grab my stuffed animal that I got when I was six. her name was Winky and she was a dog.

I tiptoe-ran back to the car and put Winky in the passenger seat. I headed up the main road and turned on some music.

" Shooting stars never fly for me, my hearts on mars kinda hard to see, but you know you know I'll see you again"

Of course, I knew my singing my horrible but, this was probably the last alone time id have for another 2 years. I'd at least wanna make it worth it.

"Siri... call furry boi hehe" I laughed at my name for him and the phone rang...

"Hey, y/n!" He exclaimed.

"Hiii! Just so you know I didn't want any fans or anything knowing I'm in Florida. They might suspect I'm with that Dream guy or something.

"Yes! Of course! ill tell the SMP members." He said goodbye and hung up.

I've played bed wars and done a couple of speedruns with that Dream guy, along with Fundy of course. He seems pretty cool. He seems like the kind of person to assure you that everything is gonna be ok. Which I actually really needed right now.

I'm not actually going to Florida to see my parents. I'm going because I cant afford my house in Vermont anymore. I'm having my neighbor ship me the rest of my stuff once I arrive completely. So yeah, id like someone to make me sure I was going to be ok.

I arrived at the airport, calling one of my friends to come to pick up my car. I grabbed my bags and walked inside of the glass sliding doors.

It smelled like the Airport. Kind of like.... rubber. Mixed with cleaning supplies and a little hint of wood. I went through all of the lines and stepped into one of the shops inside.

I scanned the shelves, looking for something to bring as a snack for the ride. I saw a pack of gummy worms and decided to grab those.

"Thank you!" I smiled, thanking the woman at the cashier desk.

"Flight UA 379 is now open for access." The overhead speaker echoed as tons of people piled up into one big line.

I got up from my little chair and started to head into the boarding area, handing the women my ticket. "Thank you," I said wondering into the plane.

I sat down in my seat, looking out the window, saying one final goodbye to Vermont before I left, forever.


words: 851

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