part 3, sleepover.

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☁️•ITZ MEEE HEHE so sorry if those little "If I offended anyone" thingies are annoying. I just don't wanna make anyone feel uncomfortable ZNDJDB Enjoyyy

It's been about an hour since Dream drove me from the airport to his house and now we're just sitting here and getting unpacked.

Over time, We have bonded more. Learning more about each other and sharing similar interests. I even told him why I'm really here.

"Ready for lunch?" He asked, dangling his keys from his fingers.


We walked outside and got into the car, rolling down the windows in the process.

"So, y/n, tell me, How'd you meet Fundy?" He asked.

"Funny story actually. My friend had me look her discord up and I accidentally typed Fundys's name in. You?"

He laughed, "Just Minecraft and stuff. Mutuals."

I nodded and stared at the palm trees by the window. I've never actually seen a palm tree before.

"You stream, right?" Clay asked looking over at me.

"Yeah. I'm pretty small though. Not too big." I said twiddling my thumbs.

"I wasn't too big for very long... But I got lucky I guess."

We arrive at the lunch place and I step out of his car. We stepped inside and got a table in the far corner.

"Sooo what are you thinking on getting?" He asked, looking up at me from his menu.

"Hmmm... Maybe waffles?" WHY DID I SAY WAFFLES?? AM I A TODDLER??

He laughed, "Ah, wise choice."

We ate lunch and then got back into his car.

"Clay..." I ask, looking up at him from the passenger seat.

"What's up?" He says, looking back down at me.

Our eyes meet and I feel a feeling of relief.

"Why are you doing all of this?" I asked, twiddling my fingers once again.

"I don't really know... honestly. I've been kind of lonely lately I guess. Plus you seem chill." He said, laughing at the end.

I giggle, "Well, yeah. That makes sense. Sorry, you're feeling lonely, Clay."


Sorry the chapters seem a bit rushed I wanted to get all of the boring bits out of the way :)

(((also dm me... IM LONELY AAAAA)))

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