Chapter 5: Forever and Always.

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it's been a year. you and Fred are pretty much the perfect couple. Ron and Hermione finally got together officially, Harry and Ginny are almost there. George is with Angelina, but they aren't doing to well.
we were in class, y/n was put in a different group then me. i looked up and watched her and i felt like i was floating. everything about her makes me fall deeper for her. the way she plays with her hair, her laugh, the way she messes with her fingers when she's nervous. it was right then when i realized... this has to last forever.
Class ends and i quickly rush to the common room to meet George.
Fred: "George it's time."
George: "time for?"
Fred: "i've got to take things a step further."
George: "go ahead then! what's stopping you?"
Fred: "i-i don't know what the next step would be!"
George: "get her a promise ring. do exactly what you'd do if you were to propose, but instead of asking her to marry you it's you promising that you will eventually ask her to marry you."
Fred: "i don't know what i'd do without you."
George smiles
George: "now go do it quickkk!"
as i run out of the door, i yell a thank you to my twin.
i was walking to the common room and i see Fred running towards me. i smile at him.
y/n: "hey love, what has you in a rush?"
Fred: "nothing darling, but i need you to meet me at the astronomy tower. 8:00 tonight."
y/n: "ok sounds good."
i smile again and he smiles back. every single time he smiles i feel like i'm about to pass out, he's just so perfect. man i really am in love.
he pecks me on the lips about 5 times before running off, shouting an "i love you!" as he runs.
it's 5 minutes before 8 so i start to head to the astronomy tower. i didn't know what he had planned but i assumed it was one of his small surprise dates so i stuck with a basic outfit. i wore a lace white crop top that was V cut on the chest, i wore a white lace bra underneath it, obviously to cover myself. i wore a light pink and white plaid skirt. i stuck with basic white slip on sneakers. my hair was parted down the middle in loose curls.
i finally arrive to the tower. as soon as i get there i see Fred Weasley, my boyfriend. he's standing there in a suit. there were roses, candles, and string lights all around us. he turned around and started walking towards me with a smile on his face.
i smiled back.
y/n: "Fred, t-this is beautiful!"
Fred: "not as beautiful as you."
he pulls me in by my waist and kisses me, but it feels different. it's slower, and it felt more passionate that normal. it felt like it was gonna last forever until he pulled away.
Fred: "i love you."
y/n: "i love you too Freddie."
Fred: "i've got something for you."
y/n: "you really didn't have to, this is all perfect on its own!"
Fred: "well all of this is just to make what i have more special."
y/n: "okkk... what is it?"
Fred smiles.
Fred: "close your eyes."
i close them.
Fred: "ok, open."
i open my eyes and see Fred holding a ring. it's gold with a red rose on it instead of a diamond.
y/n: "oh my-"
Fred: "this is a promise ring. i'm giving it to you as a promise to eventually turn this into an engagement ring, and after that, a wedding ring. i love you with all of my heart. i want to spend the rest of my life with you. there is no Fred without y/n, i don't even remember who i was without you. it's you and me y/n, forever and always."
i smile as i burst into tears. i stand on my toes to wrap my arms around Fred, as he is much taller than me. his arms fall perfectly around my waist, holding me tighter than he ever has before.
y/n: "i love you so much."
Fred: "i love you too baby."
he pulls away from the hug and smiles as he wipes the tears from my face.
we spend the rest of the night eating food, watching the stars, laughing, staring into each other's eyes, and holding each other... appreciating what we have now, and what we will have... forever and always.

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