Chapter five

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With Jungkook I found a reason to smile, just to remember him, at least once again. I know it a bit selfish for me to want him just to see Taeyong again, but I can't help it. I'm not ready to say goodbye, not to him. Even though I don't want it to end, this is wrong. I can't give him hopes up if I haven't

"I don't know if we can go this fast, we just met yesterday." I said after moving away from him. "Can we just be friends?"

"Sure. Maybe we can slow down the romantic part and just have fun for today."

"Do you have something in mind?"

"We can go to a friend's place, he's having some guys over."

I wasn't sure about it, sounds like I'm gong to do more than last night. But if I say no maybe I'll never see Jungkook in a while. Just get the courage to do it Jimin.

"Okay, let's go."

"It's close from here so we can walk there."

We got into a nice building, no wonder why he wanted to come here, hopefully his friend doesn't know my family. It's not too late so I can go home in three or four hours, arriving home at ten is not that late. We arrived to the apartment and Jungkook rang the bell.

"Hey Kook, what's up." His friend said while making a handshake. He's handsome, but gives me that fraternity fuckboy vibe.

"Hey Jaehyun, this is Jimin."

"Hi." I said in a lower voice. I've met more people in less than a day than the past few years. "Nice to meet you."

"You don't need to be that polite," he laughed, "come in."

I looked around, and noticed no one was there, the apartment was so nice though. Maybe this is just like those nights I used to hang out at Yoongi's apartment, Jaehyun looks like the kind of person that likes to party just with his close friends.

"Did you get it?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course I did." He said laughing.

"Get what?" I asked.

"Jaehyun bought weed, so we can smoke a bit, order some food and play videogames."

Even though I've never seen or used any kind of drug, well except for yesterday, I didn't know smoking weed could sound so lame. I always imagined that it would be like in movies, a little more adventurous.

"Ok..." I said.

"Your friend doesn't seem very convinced about it."

"Have you ever smoked weed?" Jungkook asked me.
I moved my head saying no. Is it really that common for guys my age to do this kind of stuff? I've never experienced many things. Between my stroct parents and my studies I didn't have much time to enjoy my student life. Now I understood why Jungkook wanted to move away from his parents for his college years.

"I can try just a little." I said shy. Let's hope I don't make something embarrassing.

Jungkook started rolling a cigarette but made of weed. They told me is called a joint. How could I know that. I'm nervous, I am not sure if I should do this, maybe it is the peer pressure, or I just really want to try it. Jaehyun was calling a pizza place nearby to order some food because he said we'll be hungry afterwards.

They started smoking, the room started to look foggier and Jaehyun played some Lo-Fi music to set the mood. Maybe I could get high by just breathing the same air, but now I wanted to try to smoke too.

"I want to have some." I said.

"Sure, just make sure that you hold as long as possible when you inhale." Said Jungkook, and showed me how to do it, he looks kinda sexy when smoking. I did my first try, but the moment I started to inhale, my lips felt burned so I moved away and coughed.

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