55 - Thea

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liked by shawnmendes, oh

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liked by shawnmendes, oh.no.cheerio, MiaDavie, and 758,819 others

TheaRobin learnin' to be grateful for myself


oh.no.cheerio you tell em boo❤️
TheaRobin i'm screaming it from the roof tops

theasbaby one day i'll meet thea🥺

billyno the aesthetic of this😳😳

shawnmendes my best friend is prettier than yours
TheaRobin love u shawny❤️
shawnmendes as you should

MiaDavie your hand looks like a crab
TheaRobin 😐

calumsauce how the FUCK are you so pretty

jeff okay mamacita
TheaRobin papi chulo

harrystyles you have a dirty bathroom
TheaRobin it's not even mine 😭😭

babe i would sell my body if it meant i got to hug thea

ashtonirwin movie night this friday👀
TheaRobin absolutely you big dumb baby bitch
ashtonirwin i'm gonna bring yogi bear

louist91 so is nobody gonna talk about how thea stole my glasses and refuses to give them back
TheaRobin i'm waiting for you to steal them back dummy

michaelclifford put my hair in a bun
TheaRobin space buns 🥰

lukeslove i miss lukes comments:(
zaynserection they don't even follow each other anymore:(

thawnsbaby instagram died when their relationship did
babe stop this hurt me even

kelsi can we not bring up lukes toxic ass thx

khalid 🔥

beberexha pretty bitch

niallhoran thea i forgot you existed
TheaRobin thanks neil 😐😔

ruellesays theas caption radiates big dick energy

zayn put your shoulder away
TheaRobin sorry am i distracting you- oh wait i don't give a fuck
zayn usually i'm the one with snarky remarks 😳

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