01 // [boy doused in sun]

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   Killua peered his head through the window glass, the view of bare dry lands reflecting through. The only forms of nature in sight belonged to a small gathering of dry trees up ahead, where he assumed to be the town, yet there were still no buildings to be seen. Peeling the window down, the scent of the nearby ocean was immediately met at his nose, still barely strong enough to smell. Although he still felt the taste of salt on his chapped lips, making its way into the crevice of his mouth and seeping into his tung.

He leaned back into the car, adjusting to a new position. Glancing to the side he sees Kalluto motioning for him to pull his headphones out. Reluctantly, he did so. Pulling the wires out and pausing the music, he heard his mothers unpleasant voice ring through the car, "it's only three minutes away. Get ready to see the new house." He hummed in response, wondering how on earth they were only three minutes away with still little to no signs of civilization in sight.

He glanced out the window again, the enclosure of trees becoming closer as they drove on, clearing his view of the small buildings scattered along the shade. So there was a civilization here after all, what a surprise.

Nobody in his family had actually wanted to move. After his fathers death, his mother had taken it into her own hands to decide what to do with her remaining years; 'we will start a new life out in the country, maybe you'll even make a new dad' she would laugh, before leaving to her room for hours on end. Possibly crying herself to sleep for saying such things about her late love, or instead making love with the butler that she often used to have scandalous thoughts of. )

Apparently the small town along the beach - yet it still looked to be in a desert - had sounded appealing to her ears. Illumi had wished to stay behind and continue to partake his intelligence at st. Lucilfers academy, the billion dollar private school with too much money in its hands. Killua had been dreading transferring to the school in the fall, so half of him had been relieved to move whilst the other half still vexed. He didn't have any connections- or friends at that- but he still loved the city. It was like his playing field, and he was allowed to go anywhere and do anything. Now they were moving to possibly the smallest town in the country, and he would have no freedom.

Illumi tapped him on the shoulder from behind, pointing to a big White House that could be seen from a distance. It looked to be quite overgrown and old- not very suitable for their rich family. "That's our house." He spoke, his voice lacking any emotion, as usual. Killua looked closer, disappointed to see the house sat in no shade, yet there were trees covering the neighbors property. The house towered two stories over a garden, overgrown with blackberries and weeds. A porch wrapped around the white building, and many piles of junk were tucked neatly behind some outdoor seating. The nearest house was a similar looking yellow one just down the street. It was much more neat and kept, with a garden overflowing with fresh veggies.

The truck pulled up into the driveway, rolling over many old stones that sat on the cement. "It looks quite cheerful!" His mother spoke, glancing back with a smile on her face.

Alluka nodded, "I agree! It just needs a family and soon it will look like a home." Killua cringed at her words before he slid out of the car, reaching back into the seat to grab his backpack. He heard his siblings all piling out of the car behind him, making the most noise this house had probably heard in a century.

He began up the mossy stairs, the floorboards creaking underneath his weight. Once he stood atop the porch he turned back to face the car. "The keys?" He shouted down to his mom, in which she fanned her hand in reply, "it's unlocked already!"

A grunt escaped his lips as he pushed the heavy wooden door open, the sound of wood scraping against metal echoing around the empty walls of the home. The room in front of him was a well sized living room with many windows, and a chandelier of sorts hanging above the rug that lay alone in the room. He slowly walked in, turning to his left to see the kitchen. The cabinets were an ugly bright red, and the floor hadn't been mopped in ages, but other then that it looked to be a well kept kitchen. Between the kitchen and living room was a hallway leading to three rooms and a set of stairs at the end.

"The master bedroom is the one at the end of the hallway which will be my room. Alluka already claimed the room across because she wanted to be near me. Upstairs should be the other four rooms which you and your brothers can choose between." His mom spoke from behind, startling Killua slightly. He hadn't heard her walk in.

He looked back at her and nodded, "ok" before beginning to walk up the stairs, hoping to grab the nicest one before his brothers.

There were four small rooms across from each other with a bathroom to the side. Killua immediately grabbed the one with the nicest views. It was a bit small- but he was never one to complain. The walls were a pale blue color, and along them sat a pair of windows with a glorious view of the neighboring yellow house. He set his bag down atop the old bed frame, laying down next to it.

He pulled his earbuds out of the bag, placing them softly in his ear. The familiar music began to play, the feeling of nostalgia aching in his bones, and he longed to be inside his old room, strumming his guitar along to the music without any sort disturbance. Ever since he had been just a small child, music had been his escape. Especially in the last two years after his fathers death, when his mother had been extremely harsh on his siblings, but mainly him. He had never gotten along with her even when he was a kid, and she always seemed to resent him for it. Thus was why he loved music so much. It felt like he could just disappear into other dimensions and never return until the song ended, giving him at least five minutes of peace.

He turned his head and looked out the window to the big yellow house. A flock of chickens seemed to have gotten loose, because he saw a boy running out of the house after them, yelling all sorts of words Killua couldn't make out through the glass. He peaked his head in interest after noticing the boy looked to be about his age. Although he was far away, Killua could still make out the smile that took place on his lips, and the bright aura that seems to radiate off of him- even while he was chasing a pack of chickens into a coop. He ran around the house, chasing them into the backyard which was enclosed in many trees for him to watch any longer.

What a weirdo.

Yet he still found himself taking out his earbuds and creaking open the window slightly, hoping to hear to hear the boys laughter from the yard. The only noise that could be heard though was the packers carrying the many boxes into the house, and his mothers stern voice telling them what to do.

He slowly began to fall asleep, not to the sound of boxes and yelling- but to the sound of the chickens chirping in the background and the pictures of the boy struggling to shove them all into their coop. His mind soon dozed off, and he dreamed of being a bird, flying high over the horizon, watching the people down below. And watching that boy as he layed doused in the sun, gathered in a field of flowers.


- [note] Hey! I would just like to say that killuas family is NOT as horrible in my fanfic as they are in the manga/anime. Yeah that's all :)

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