⋆·˚ ༘ *Chapter 8⋆·˚ ༘ *

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Thank you for the votes and funny comments everyone! Its really makes my day and helps motivate me to continue writing this story so i hope you enjoy reading it <3

Y/n third person pov

What Clay had just said, left the girl completely shellshocked. Y/n was utterly speechless and her face was as red as she was dumb-stricken.

As the waitress smiled satisfactorily at the young man's response, she picked up the tray and proceeded to leave them be, she did not hesitate whatsoever in order to get the answers to her many forming questions from the statement made by her friend seated across her.

switch to y/n first person pov

"CLAY WHAT?" was apparently all that was able to escape my mouth.

"shhhhh c'mon y/n its free cake! Can't we at least enjoy it?" Clay whispered to me before making a sad pleading face at me.  GAH he seriously knows just how to make me give in doesn't he? gosh.

"F-fine! at least warn me next time jeez-" I responded while he perked up and smiled.

Then, he looked down at his latte and his smile turned into a direct glare at me.

"Are you serious?" I snickered at his response. The latte art I ordered for him was a mask with a sad face crying and next to it wrote, 'boomer'.

Though his reaction was hilarious, I was curious to see what he had picked out for me so I decided to pick up my steaming cup of latte.

"Wow I am speechless." I said sarcastically before shooting a glare back at him.

That masked giant literally had 2 lines symbolise our height difference and the word 'short' next to the line representing me. We both ended up laughing at our own stupidity and somehow decided to compete at who's was funnier. Clay took a pic of the lattes and sent the pic to his friends telling them to vote. We both agreed the loser would have to do a forfeit of the winner's choice.

As we waited for their responses, we decided to drink our lattes before they got cold and try out the free cake we had gotten.

However, when i used a fork to take a small chunk of the cake, i had accidentally dropped it twice and gave up after the second time.

Clay laugh and said, "Can't believe you don't know how to eat food. are you 1?"

"At least I'm not a boomer like you!" I replied and pouted at him, crossing my hands and turning away.

"haha sure whatever you say you baby, come on say 'ahhh'."

I turned back to face Clay only to see him holding out a fork with cake on it in the direction of my mouth.


"JUST EAT THE CAKE Y/N" Clay cut me off with a stern parent-like tone which again left me speechless.

"A-ahh" I closed my eyes tightly and opened my mouth.

As I had done so, Clay put the cake in my mouth and said, "see? That wasn't so hard now was it?" and beamed cluelessly at me.

The cake was really good but all I could think about was what just happened. The butterflies were seriously jamming out in my stomach right now and I could feel myself burning up slowly but surely.

Honestly, how clueless can a guy possibly be?

Clay first person pov

I seriously can't believe I did that. God she's probably uncomfortable now. Great job Clay how smooth of you.

I sighed and took a large gulp of the hot latte. Of course, being dumb, I burned myself and choked on the drink. drink-1 Clay-0 

Y/n has literally a god speed reaction timing. Right when I started choking, she had almost instantly went to get me some water and napkins. When she came back like 20 seconds later, she handed me the glass of water and helped pat my back a little to ease the choking. It helped a little but i got flustered and almost choked again.  Drink-2 Clay-0

It was nice to see the concerned side of y/n, honestly she already seems like a very caring and nice person right of the bat so it wasn't very unexpected. Thinking about school, I suddenly remembered. Y/n was off today and I wanted to know why. It seemed like something happened in the morning and considering how bubbly she usually is, whatever happened must have been pretty serious.

Sure I was really worried about her but I did not want to accidentally touch on any sensitive topics and make her think I'm some weirdo but then again I really wanted to be the one to comfort her if something bad really happened. Just what do I do?

After contemplating for awhile whilst still recovering from almost losing my life to a drink, I decided to play it safe. I waited for everything to settle down and for her to calm down and sit back down first.

"Hey y/n?" I started off.

Y/n first person pov 

After Clay had finally gotten better from choking like twice in a row, I decided to go back to my seat and enjoy the cake and latte on the table. Then Clay suddenly spoke up.

"Hey y/n?" He said.

curious on what he wanted to say I answered, "Yes Clay?"

"I know we didn't meet too long ago but," He paused for a moment, as if collecting his thoughts before he continued, "If you ever have anything you want to talk to someone about or if you ever feel down.." he paused again.

"mhm?" I hummed while carefully sipping on the slightly cooled down cup of latte.

"I- Im always gonna be here for you, okay?" His words were more like mumbles and he seemed a little flustered but I found it sweet of him. Though he was really reassuring and for some odd reason, gave me a really comforting vibe, I was still unsure if I should tell him about my ex or his harassing fan girls. In the end, I decided that whatever happened in the morning is something best kept for another time.

"Same here Clay!" I finally responded with a cheery smile.


Finally done with chap 8 ;-; I was binge watching anime and lost track of time so I am crying rn lol. Also damn Clay do be losing to drinks huh. Again I didn't have time to double check for errors so I apologise if I made any!!

Anyways that is all for today! Thank you for reading chapter 8 of my random and lame story! :D

Hope everyone has a wonderful day/night <3 make sure to keep safe and healthy! 

(1128 words uwu)

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