Part I

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Thursday, 2:21 AM

A series of knock comes in the middle of the night, when the rest of the world should be sleeping, shutting off their brains for the recommended six to eight hours of sleep, and preparing for what stresses the day will bring.

But this particular knock comes with a promise that sleep is no longer an option for the dweller of the apartment said door is attached to. A certain Win Metawin, who's anything but pleasant without sleep, was awakened from his slumber because someone felt that it's acceptable to knock on his door at this ungodly hour of two-fucking-am, so the least he could do is go answer this person who apparently have a pair of balls and the nerve to wake him up.

Win shuffles down the hallway, his fuzzy hot pink slippers making an obnoxious scraping noise across the wooden floor, but he's so deep in his "just-woken-up" haze that it barely registers in his "things-I-care-about" folder.

He reached the door after a few more knocks were added to the previous one and flips on the hallway light before unlocking the deadbolt. The still half-asleep boy, tries to shake some of the fog out of his head before pulling the door open. However, once he does so and is greeted by who's on the other side of the door, he's suddenly wide awake, as if someone had thrown a whole bucket of ice water onto his body.

Win blinks once, twice, three times. His brain fights to form a sentence, but the irregular beating of his heart is the only thing he can seem to focus on.

The person that stands on the other side of the door smiles sheepishly and lifts a hand as if to greet the boy, but also seeming to show that he means no harm.

Funny coming from the person who broke me into a million pieces. Win thought, suddenly feeling like he hasn't gotten nearly enough sleep for this.

"H-Hey, Win... I know it's late and I honestly don't even know what compelled me to come to you of all people... but I kind of ran into some trouble and I really need a place to crash." The other person awkwardly says, rubbing the back of his neck.

Win's jaw clenched as his heart reacted so easily to the deep, rumbling sound of his voice. Even after all this time, after everything he did, this man still makes his heart flutter and his stomach turn.

Bright Vachirawit, Win's ex of almost a little over three years. They had been together for about five years, meeting their junior year in college and becoming inseparable quickly after their first meeting. They dated briefly, soon becoming boyfriends through their last year at the university, then moving in together after graduating. Moving into this very apartment actually, planning on making a life with each other.

Or at least that's what Win had been planning for, but clearly Bright had different ideas for his own life.

Win sighs and leans against the door frame. "What kind of trouble? I'm not going to harbor a fugitive, Bright."

Bright shook his head dramatically, his eyes almost comically wide. "No, it's not like that, I just... the airport lost my bags and all of my money and official papers are missing, they said they'll probably have it by tomorrow, but I don't have a place to stay tonight. I would have called Mike or War... but I kind of lost touch with them after..."

"After you packed your things and left me without an explanation of why or where you were going?" Win finished for him, almost taking a bit of satisfaction in the way the words made his ex flinch.

"Uh, yeah... maybe I shouldn't have come... I-I knew this was a bad idea, a stupid idea... I'm sorry, Win, I shouldn't have bothered you." Bright awkwardly said.

Win chuckled without humor. "Oh, so now I get an apology?"

Bright lowered his head. "I... I really am sorry."

"For what exactly?" Win asked.

"For coming over here in the middle of the night and waking you up, asking something of you that I don't even deserve to ask for let alone receive." Bright shrugs.

Win lifts an eyebrow. "That's the only thing you're sorry for?"

Bright looks up into the eyes of the man he once loved more than life itself. "Yes, because no apology could ever make up for what I did. Nothing I say will ever fix what I did to you, so I won't even bother saying sorry over something sorry isn't enough for."

Win blinks at Bright a couple times before sighing and stepping back, opening the door wide. "Fine, you can stay."


"Only for tonight."

A/N: And that's it for the first part. I'm only gonna update this book at Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Anyway... What do y'all think of the story so far?

If you have any comments, suggestions or violent reactions, don't be shy and let me know. Also, don't forget to VOTE if you like/enjoy the story. 😘

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