Part II

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Thursday, 2:39 AM

"I'm sure you remember what the couch feels like." Win comments as he lays out a couple pillows and a blanket at the end of the large sofa.

Bright nodded and breathes in a sigh. "I remember many a night with this thing... Hello old friend." He says patting the couch affectionately.

Win rolled his eyes. "Well, I'll leave you two to get reacquainted. I'll be in the other room if you need anything, but I suggest you not to wake me up unless it's immensely important."

"I remember that too, Win. Trust me, I won't wake you up again. I value my life too much." Bright said, snorting.

"Well... Goodnight." Win said.

As Win walk away, he strangely feels like he's being watched. Almost as if a gaze is piercing a hole right through him. It's just way too late to try and think about the meaning or the reason why his ex would be staring at him like this, though. Win shrugs it off and makes his way to his room, exhausted and desperately in need of at least another hour of sleep.

Thursday, 5:36 AM

Sleep, however, doesn't come back to Win. With the constant reminder of why his mind seems to be so restless, tossing and turning out on the couch, he chose not to fight it and decided to get up and get ready for work earlier than usual. After taking a bath, Win throws on a tight pair of skinny jeans and a nice red button-up, tucked in and complete with a set of suspenders to give everything a pulled together look. As the senior editor of Velence, one of Thailand's top style magazines, it's important to be on top of his fashion and style game.

Win made his way out of his room then and starts clanking around in the kitchen, looking for the coffee filters that he bought yesterday but forgot where he put them.

"Check the drawer with the plastic bags." A husky voice says behind him, forcing a small squeak from Win's lips as he jumps slightly, slamming one of the cabinet doors.

Win cleared his throat, but doesn't say a word. He checked the drawer as suggested, and finding exactly what he was looking for.

A chuckle echoed through the small kitchen. "You always used to put them there after you bought them, until I moved them to the cabinet above the coffee maker." Bright said.

Win's hands shake slightly as he scoops the caffeinated grounds into the filer and turns the coffee maker on. "Do you want some?" He asked the other.

"Yeah, that'd be great." Bright answered.

The younger of the two nodded and pulls out a mug along with a travel cup from the cabinet, absentmindedly placing the coffee filters into the space above the currently brewing maker.

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