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Rosalina's P.O.V:

I was cleaning Benji's room when a phone started ringing.

It was Benji's.

I know it was wrong, but I answered for him.

*on the phone*
P1- "hello who is this? Is this benji?"
R- "No, this is Rosalina, his assistant"
P1- "Oh rly?! Perfecto! Could you come to 190 Haverhill Street #392? It's important"
R- "Um who is this? what for?!"
P1- "It's about his brother's business, but please don't mention anything to him...we don't want to scare him, do we?" "Oh and my name is Anthony Quintal"
R- "Okay..."
P1- "Please come ASAP. We'll be waiting for you."
*end call*

Okay, that was weird. But I didn't want to get I did what the man said.

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