Like, OMG!

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This is not my fanfiction. This fanfic rightfully belongs to deadlydaisy8o8. I simply and lightly edit and revise for a cleaner reading flow. That is all. Enjoy.


AN:/ Alright, a lot of people repeatedly reviewed and said they wanted reactions to Danny's little fight. Now I originally wasn't planning on getting to the effects of Danny's changed attitude until a little later. Still, I thought I could throw you all a bone and put this in there. It's short because I think it really doesn't need to be said. I will get into more detail about what everyone thinks of Danny after his attitude makeover. It'll just be a little later.


Running to the Enemy's Arms

Chapter 26: Like, OMG!

by: deadlydaisy8o8

Originally Uploaded: Saturday, October 9, 2010, 10:05 PM

Edited by: MerciLani; Monday, November 23, 2020, 11:03 AM


Danny's P.O.V

Music=Life: Okay, I think I figured out what it means.

Rumplestiltskin: Well, go ahead and share with the rest of the world, you retard!

Music=Life: Fine geez, hold on. Roughly translated, it means: As yet I to occupy anyone this wealth and I fui to say when you cry. I will be ready to proceed at any time you are. We can place our variety aside to go when our first order sentiment can not we? This is now eighteen twenty-five and Nolle when to emerge slow. I fui much of deed to turn upon when my Dad to run up under me very to stay to the end night. I will notify you within a few miners then.

Rumplestiltskin: That doesn't make any sense, you moron!

Music=Life: I said it was rough.

Idknidc: Guys, just chill. It doesn't really matter what he said precisely anyway.

: Are you retarded? Of course it does! How did he know all of that Latin? It was like he was fluent! He doesn't even take a Latin class; he's in MC11.

Your_Mom: I don't know how he knew it, but it was impressive. That whole fight was impressive. He made Bill look like a real idiot.

Rumplestiltskin: So now, just because he won one fight, he's legit? He's still a poser!

Sexi-mexi: That fight was hilarious. I can't believe Bill lost that badly. He was at least a couple of inches taller than the kid. It didn't even look like the guy was trying!

HummanCalculator: It wasn't just the fight. You should've seen him for the rest of the day, acting like the freaking warden of manners. He reminded me of my mother. Holding doors and saying thank you all the time. You should have seen him in fencing today. It was like talking to someone straight out of the middle ages.

97532468: I don't know about the rest of you, but I think his sort of chivalry is precisely what this place needs.

: Are you saying you actually like the twerp?

97532468: Yes, more than any other of the so-called 'men' that go to this school. At least there are some gentlemen left in the world.

Rumplestiltskin: I am more of a gentleman than that hillbilly will ever be.

97532468: Oh, really? Did you ever carry Jessica Parker's books or hold the door open for her when you saw she had a broken leg from a sports injury?

: It's all an act. He really isn't like that. We all saw what he was like yesterday.

Idknidc: Oh, so the fight this morning was an act? That was one well-rehearsed battle scene.

Sexi-mexi: I don't want to get in a fight with this guy. The way he beat Bill, he could probably take someone's head off if he wanted.

: Don't tell me you're afraid of this kid. He's got nothing.

Music=Life: Dude, you're in denial.

Sexi-Mexi: Yeah, were you there this morning? Go watch the video again. You obviously didn't understand it the first time.

: I am not in denial; I'm just the only one left around here with any sense of pride!

Idknidc: Pride my ass. After watching that fight, you can't say that the man doesn't know how to throw a punch.

: He never even threw a punch in the first place!

Idknidc: Point?

: I can't believe this. Just because he knows how to fight, you all will go and treat him like a king now?

Idknidc: I never said I worshipped the man. I'm just saying with his connections and that sort of skill, not exactly a person you want as your enemy.

: He's still a moron! The fact that he knows some moves isn't going to do him squat when he's running a company.

I-hate-suits: Nu-uh dude.

: WTF!

I-hate-suits: Did you correct his homework today? Obviously, you didn't get a look at his business portfolio either. If he didn't know anything about Business before, he's going to learn real quick. He built himself a miniature version of Masters' portfolio so that it would fit within the guidelines.

Music=Life: Woah, really?

: I give up; you are all hopeless.

I allowed myself a satisfied smirk before I went to click to the next page as I sat in the limo on the way home from school. Of course, there were still people who hate me because of where I came from, but that's expected. Those people were just stubborn, and as long as they stayed out of my way, they would be fine. What mattered was that I was no longer a person that could be quickly taken advantage of in the majority of people's eyes. No longer was I some naive little boy. Oh no, that fight this morning had done its job and done it well. I was a threat now, and people knew it. I definitely wouldn't have to deal with most people's crap anymore. Mission accomplished.

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