New round tributes!

130 10 95

Choose which district you want to be in below

District 1
Tribute 1: jtydjttsmgrxgsng
Tribute 2:

District 2
Tribute 1:CrabbyHermitCrab
Tribute 2: DOLL-D-DEMON

District 3
Tribute 1:bananaboy73
Tribute 2:

District 4
Tribute 1: LesbeansAreGay
Tribute 2:

District 5
Tribute 1: Michael_Resonance
Tribute 2: Crystalized12

District 6
Tribute 1: Animeshipfanatic
Tribute 2: GGamer6000

District 7
Tribute 1: ToshiKao-Love
Tribute 2: -_DarknessxRuby_-

District 8
Tribute 1: Cosmicdustpuppy8
Tribute 2: ChristyAKAspiderman

District 9
Tribute 1: TheTimeLordConsume
Tribute 2: seekinks

District 10
Tribute 1:Your-Terrible-Fate
Tribute 2: --silasfandom--

District 11
Tribute 1: ME :D
Tribute 2:MoonLightDerp

District 12
Tribute 1: imgay3319
Tribute 2:@AGBrandon15

I'll start when we have enough Tributes

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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