Ch.1 -A Chance Encounter-

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Y/n is a young villain who has been gaining attention recently. Her skill with hand to hand combat and proficiency with knives has led to the critical injury of several local hero's in the past few weeks. Her quirk is an anti quirk field that radiates from her body. It generally sits at a two foot radius but through extensive training she gained the ability to extend it up to 20ft. This takes ample focus and a calm mind which decreases her mobility. If extended any further than 20ft or kept out for significant amounts of time it causes intense exhaustion and physical pain. It only works on effects/attacks directly caused by quirks. She is effectively immune to touch and mental attacks.

You were walking through the empty streets. The night chill bit at your skin as you wandered aimlessly through dimly lit alleyways. It was quiet. Your recent attacks had frightened the general public, for as soon as night fell they'd scurry into their homes like mice. You smirked at the thought of running into a lone hero patrolling the streets, but you knew the chances of that were low with them on high alert. You'd gathered that they'd resorted to traveling in pairs since you'd never seen so many duos in this town. You knew the chances were slim, but you were prepared anyways. What you weren't prepared for was to be suddenly jolted out of your thoughts as you collided into another person. Like you, they were dressed in all black. Hard to spot in the moonless night. You stumbled back, and heard something clatter to the ground at your feet. "Damn you!" Hissed a raspy voice as the man stepped forward, bending down to retrieve whatever you had knocked off of him. You looked down to see him quickly snatch up... A hand? No way. Your breath hitched in your throat as a memory of something you'd seen on the news popped into your head. This can't be happening... Any doubt you held was chased from your mind as the man, now right in front of you, straightened up. He reached up, placing the hand back on his face. Yup, there was no doubt about it. You were now standing face to face with the leader of the infamous League of Villains.

Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1.
Future chapters will be longer!
See you next time!

-Everything I Touch- A Shigaraki x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now