Ch 2. -A Chance to Shine-

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He glared down at you. His blood red eye met yours between the fingers that shielded his face. The mere thought would have made you shiver, but the real thing? It made you freeze solid. Your blood ran cold. Colder than the late autumn air that made your fingertips feel coated in ice. The intention behind those piercing eyes was clear as the ice they filled you with. He was going to kill you.

Before you could stutter a word a frigid hand closed around your throat. Time seemed to slow in your mind. You counted each finger as it hit your skin.

You waited. But your end never came. Then it hit you... Duh! Your quirk! In the shock you had forgotten about your own power. As it clicked for you it very apparently didn't for him. He just stood there in utter shock, hand still clasped around your throat. You didn't move either. You didn't think you could yet. The moment's fear still froze you in place. You didn't even notice the man and woman as they appeared behind Shigaraki. Followed by a few others as they approached with confusion over the sudden halt. Shigaraki suddenly seemed to get his senses back, "W-what the hell?! Why aren't you disintegrating?!" He exclaimed stepping back, his tone seethed with rising anger.
"The hell? Did'ja loose your quirk or somethin' Crusty?" Sneered the tall man standing just behind Shigaraki. Your eyes flicked to him. You'd seen him on the news before too. Dark purple burns covered a large amount of his face, held together by thick staples that shimmered in the dull yellow glow of the nearby streetlight.
Another somewhat familiar figure stepped behind the enraged leader. A man covered in a dark mist spoke in a charming tone "I do believe I've seen her before on the local news. She has hospitalized several local heros recently, if I recall correctly."
"So she's a villain?!" Sounded the cheerful tone of a young blonde girl stood next to the man with the burns.
"What is your name, Madam?" Asked the misty figure.
"Y/n" you stuttered, eyes flicking between the villains.
"It's a pleasure, Miss Y/n. I am Kurogiri. These are my comrades. Dabi, Toga, Twice, Compress, Spinner, and our leader Shigaraki," he gestured at each member as he introduced them, "We are-"
"The League of Villains," you finished for him, eyes scanning the newly introduced villains.
"Ah. So you are aware of our cause then," he replied in a slightly surprised tone.
"Yeah, of course. You guys are all over the news," you stated plainly, "Wait, why the hell are you guys here in the city?" You questioned, looking to the man called Kurogiri.
"That's none of your fucking buisness," snapped that same raspy tone, now coated in venom. "Why the hell are we bothering with this? Let's just fucking go."
"Now Master Shigaraki, we should not pass up a chance for recruitment so easily," stated the misty villain, turning to his leader.
"R-Recruitment?" You questioned, your voice still shaky.
"Why yes-" Replied another man, stepping forward from the shadows with a flourish. He was dressed quite strangely. He wore a peculiar mask, a top hat with a large feather, and a bright orange suit. In his hand was a cane which he brandished as he spoke,"The League always needs capable new members! So how about it, Dear? Would you like to join our cast?" He looked to you, you assumed he was smiling.
"Um..." You mumbled.
"Hey! I did not okay this!" Shigaraki yelled in anger.
"Shut up Shigaraki. Kurogiri and Compress are right. Besides, isn't that what the boss said to do anyways?" Rasped the burnt villain known as Dabi.
"Gah! Whatever. I don't fucking care." Shigaraki looked to you, his eyes meeting yours once again. "Just DON'T fuck things up," his voice was low and unmistakably dangerous. He kept your eye for a second longer. You thought you saw his expression change, but you couldn't make out what it was before he turned away and began walking the way you had come.
"So how bout it!?" Exclaimed Toga, her voice brimming with excitement, "Wanna join our League of Villains?!"
They all looked to you. Awaiting your answer.
You know what? "Sure!" You said, making up your mind. This could really be your chance to show those heros what's what. Besides, what did you have to lose?

Once again, Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed Chapter 2.
I don't have an exact date on when Chapter 3. Will be out since I'm so busy but I'll try not to make you wait too long!
See you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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