lunchbox friends // pt. 3

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      Arilino and i have almost all of the same classes together, except i have art and choir and he has P.E. and Health. I turned the corner of the hall and found the door towards Chemistry, our first class. Walking through the door i saw my best friend since 4th grade, Itzel. She had her head down, and even though the whole class was speaking I still could hear her snoring from across the room. I sat down in the vacant seat next to her and Arilino sat in front of me. "Morning bitch," i said while poking her. " Good morning, 'Isaiass,'" she mumbled with her head still down. I noticed the teacher walking in, and i nudged Itzel exclaiming: " Itzel Torres-Rivera! Get your big-ass head up right now, Mrs.Bondoc walked in!" She shot her head up, surprising both Arilino and I. She tilted her head towards me and fixed her amber eyes into mine. "You're looking cute today," she teased. I saw Arilino furrow his brows from the corner of my eyes then look away to the window, but I couldn't be mean to Itzel since she doesn't even know we're in a relationship. I haven't even told anyone i'm bisexual to begin with. " Stop it... You know i'm nothing compared to you," i said in a weak, sarcastic tone. "Hey Isaias, what did you get for this problem?" Arilino asked, trying to fit into the conversation. Although Arilino isn't quiet at all, he definitely does have the tendency of being shy around me. It's cute.

      After Mrs.Bondoc gave her usual 50 minute biology lecture, we got up and went to our next class, which is English II. After Mr.Gonzalez's lecture in English II, we still had 10 minutes left of class, so he let us talk with our peers. Arilino was sitting with his friends, Octavio and Lucas. Itzel sat with me, along with our other friend, Damian. " Guys, pleaseee! I need help on this essay!" Damian pouted. "Callate, and let me help you, burro," Itzel said. I heard them go on and on about grammar mistakes while i stared at Arilino. His laugh echoing the room and his contagious smile. There's nothing more I could ask for. I probably looked stupid staring at him this way, but i could care less when it comes to Arilino. Sometimes, i want to see what Arilino thinks of me when i'm in his arms. To see if he loves me, the way i love him. I looked up towards his hair now, studying every wave and little curl here and there. I noticed his head tilt towards me, then him fixing his hazel eyes onto mine. He shot me a smile, along with a heart sign with his hands that he was doing under the table. I smiled even brighter than the sun, only to have Damian cut me off from thought.

      "Helloooo? Isaias, get your stuff it's time for lunch!" Damian shouted. " Oh, my bad I was distracted," i replied. "Yeah, by Arilino. Why were you smiling so much at him?" he questioned. "Oh leave him alone, he's probably charmed by his immense beauty," Itzel stepped in, defending me while also complimenting my boyfriend. I just let out a small giggle and walked with Damian and Itzel towards the cafeteria. We grabbed our lunch and sat down in the table near the entrance. "You know, i could've brought you something to eat if you knew we were eating this today." i told Itzel as we sat down. " How are they going to know i'm lactose intolerant? It's fine i'll just eat this orange," Itzel said with empathy. " It's okay Isaias, she'll get over it soon. Isn't that right, my little princess?" Damian said to Itzel, showering her with hugs. "Don't TOUCH ME!" Itzel screamed at Damian. " DID YOU NOT JUST HEAR WHAT I SAID? ALRIGHT YOUNG MAN, I THINK IT'S TIME TO-" Just then, Itzel seemed to calm down after Damian placed his head of her lap, opening his eyes slowly at Itzel and smiling brightly as his hair fell down mystically. "Oh, okay this... this is nice." Itzel said while gracefully petting Damian. " We get it Damian, we all know you would be the sub in the relationship," I teased. " I can't deny that..." Damian whispered. I wonder if i was supposed to hear that... i thought to myself.

I looked around to see if Arilino was anywhere in the cafeteria, but i didn't see him anywhere. I was about to start looking for him when the bell rang, signaling the start of our next class. I looked to see Damian still on top of Itzel's thighs, so i decided to get up and throw away my tray alone. I walked out of the cafeteria and walked through the halls, finding my next classroom almost before the bell. Algebra II will be the death of me. If Arilino has trouble in this class, that's not a good sign. I entered the cold, lonely room, setting down my bag next to my seat and putting my head down, waiting for the teacher and my classmates.

I slowly felt my warm breath crawl up to my forehead as i exhaled. I was about to close my eyes completely, but then i felt a touch on the side of shoulder. Who is it..? I thought to myself, freaking out thinking it could be. I quickly lift up my head and turned to the direction of the tap when my lips got greeted by another's. I tried to process what had happened as the kiss ended and I looked up seeing Arilino's smile of a child. " Wake up bitch, get your supplies out," he directed. " Uhm... why... what...," i said stumbling my words as a rosy blush appeared on my cheeks. " Don't worry about it, cariño. Ándale, vamos a empezar la clase." I gave him a nervous and weak thank you as i saw Mrs.Reyna walk into our class, ready to teach. Her lecture ended early as well, so I had time to talk to Arilino. " Did you understand what the fuck we just learned?" i whispered. " Absolutamente nada," Arilino agreed. We both sighed, and proceeded to practice in our workbook. While Arilino was doing his work, i continued to stare at his eyes. The way his eye was deeply concentrated on something that'll be forgotten within time, as everything on earth will be, is mesmerizing. His long eyelashes complimenting his eyes in every aspect.

" Isaias, hay una problema? " Mrs.Reyna sarcastically asked, interrupting my daydream. " No, no maestra. Estaba... distraído, si si distraído..." i nervously responded. Mrs.Reyna turned her head back to her desk, giving me a concerned look as i blushed hard from being caught. My final classes, art and choir, calmed me from all the wrath that my other classes gave me. When school ended, Arilino walked with me towards my car and opened the door, greeting my mother as i sat down. " I have after school practice for athletics today, so i'll to go your home later, ok? Hasta luego Mrs.Cantú!" Arilino exclaimed. " Okay, go get them you stereotypical jock," i teased. " Si, have fun mijo!" my mom added. We bid our farewells and my mom started driving.

"Oye mijo, tengo una pregunta muy seria para ti..."

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