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I sat cross-legged on my bed. My papers sitting neatly on my lap. As I continued to write, I continued to zone out of reality. My mind went elsewhere. To a world I could only dream of. A world where I was happy. 

"Hey," my roommate Jane said. Just like me, Jane was shy and normally very anxious. Thats why we shared a room. We got along. We kept to ourselves. I mostly wrote, while she drew. We both lived in our own dream worlds when we weren't doing schoolwork. 

"Hey, how'd the adoption meeting go?" I put down my pencil, and paused my music, making sure she knew I was paying attention. 

"They didn't like me enough. They wanted someone more outgoing."

"I'm so sorry.  That sucks. Next time. I just know it." She looked at me with a shy expression..  

"Same for you, too. Next time. I just know it."  She pulled out her perfectly sharpened colored pencils and sketch pad. 

I pressed play on my playlist.  "Ma Cherie" by Palaye Royale started playing. 

I pick my pen back up, and continue to write, losing myself in my dream. 

*Fast forward 4 hours*

I stand by the sink, pouring just enough dish soap on a sponge. My soapy hands run across the dish as I pick it up.   I scrub as hard as I can. The last dish. Ms. Werner came up behind me. 

"Very good, Emma. Now you can wipe the counters and your done. Sleep well." She pat me on the shoulder and walked away. 

I wiped down the counters quickly, and hurried back to my room.  I pulled an older sweatshirt on and a pair of baggy sweat pants. I snuggled up under my slightly warn blanket and close my eyes, settling in for a long, happy sleep. 

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