Chapter 4: The Girl

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On the train we struggled to find a place to sit as all the compartments are full. In the corner of my eye, I spot a compartment with one person in it. "Well better than nothing" I think to myself as I open the door. "Is this seat taken" I say?

The girl looks up at us and finally says "no, you can sit down."

Before I could introduce myself- "Trolley, anything off the trolley dears?" "Anything off the trolley?" We all shake our heads and she passes by.

"Hi, I'm Lillian and this is my sister Luna" I finally say to the girl in a friendly voice and put out my hand.

The girl shakes it. "I'm Ginny, Ginny Weasley," she says with a smile on her face.

Ginny wasn't very talkative but that was okay with me because I like to talk. I think I bombarded her with questions. Ginny didn't seem interested in what I had to say so I decided to hand the conversation over to Luna. Not a where of how long I had been talking I decided to see if the trolley witch was still going around the train. I grabbed some money and left the compartment.

"I'm kind of hungry so I'm going to see if the trolley witch is still around, I'll be back soon," I said while sliding the door open.

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