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i get up from my spot, my phone pinging, the address of ungjae poping up. while i try, i have to admit it. ive been thinking about taehyung. not in a sexual way, just....him. the way he talks, walks...everything.

i think about him while walking and ive almost bumped into poles along the way. he's so interesting..... the more i think about him the more i question.

why have i never seen him in school? or anywhere?

this was semi-rhetorical. it was obvious that he wasn't like the rest of us, mentally, i mean. but why haven't i seen him anywhere?
/ungjae pov\

while in the shower i play a song from my cellphone, hoping it wont fall or get water damaged. even with the water running full blast, i can hear taeho making noise. nothing in particular.. just noise.

taeho noise, as i like to call it.

i try to shower as quickly as possible before taehyung comes home, im almost certain he would have a problem with me in his bathroom considering he almost passed out with me being in his room.

heading out of the bathroom, taeho runs right past me.

"finally, jesus christ!"

he slams the door of the bathroom behind him. i remove the towel from my waist, and dress quickly, and i immediately hear a ring at the door. jungkook, probably.

"i'll get it!" my mother says, i can hear her opening the door. "jungkook! nice to see you again!"

/taehyung pov\
"alright taehyung, you seem to be in fine shape, just lay off the sweets a little, okay?" the doctor says. he laughs a little. he treats me like im a dummy.

i am NOT a dummy.

maybe he's the dummy. i am 17, not 7. maybe he doesn't know that. tsk, dummy.

this makes me laugh a little. "what's so funny?" my dad says, looking over at me. i say nothing, i just shake my head.

just as we are about to leave the doctors office, a woman with grey glasses taps me, i shudder. she hands me a sucker, a blue one with footballs on the wrapper.


dad and i do not talk much the entire way home. hmm. maybe he's mad at me.

the car pulls to a stop, the radio fading out aswell. heading into the house, i think about the breakfast being made on the television before i left.


the house is quiet, the only thing that can be heard is the creaking of the door and the jingle of the keys as dad closes the door behind him.

"do you want something to eat?" dad asks. "no."

i immediately skip up to my room, passing taeho asleep on the couch with headphones on. i pray that ungjae would be open about telling me about jungkook.

just as i open the door, i freeze. not only is ungjae in my room, but there's another body next to him.


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