At the Break of Dawn

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My face flinches from the constant patter of rain, the skin of my cheeks contorts in response. My nose is awoken by that all familiar smell, the scent of the morning rain carried in the wind. The crack of thunder rips through the trees and bushes. Immediately I shoot up into a seated position sitting upright. My heart pounding in my chest from how sudden I have woken up, turns out the thunder made me jump. If I wasn't already soaked through, I would have wet myself. Thankfully my pack was protected by the tree but using it as a pillow also, I managed to take the brunt of the weather.

Despite being shielded by the tops of the trees, I can just see the mornings light breaking through. My eyes wince from the initial brightness and I shield them with my hands. Currently it is grey and overcast so not an amazing amount of light, it is concentrated in one break in the clouds, but this will make the visibility interesting. At least if it is bad then others may not spot me on my travels.

Looking back at the homestead it seems calm, quiet and with no activity. Going by the position of the moon and sun, both of which sharing the sky, people won't be up to start their day yet. This gives me a small window of opportunity to make a break for the next cover, I can't hide here in the trees the whole time. Although this torrential down pour will definitely slow me down, any progress will be progress. Not sure exactly how far I have travelled so I check the map again, thankfully taking refuge in my pocket it has so far protected it from the elements. Being able to see the outskirts of the homestead I know it isn't far, but am I heading in the right direction. Having a quick scan, it looks like I need to continue heading South, crossing at least one major water field. At least with the current weather I can't get any more wet. Just don't think my boots will hold up trudging through a damn water field.

Studying the map, I start to notice that it is shaking, looking at my hands and I can see why. I am shivering from the cold that now accompanies the rain. Every hair on my body stands on end, the sharpness of the chill like a blade across my skin. Cracks of thunder continue over head, but no sign of lightning just yet.

My destination is set and so is the way I must get there, I fold up the map again and slip it back into my pocket. The weather doesn't seem to be letting up so there is no use in waiting, although I will be out in the open, I have no choice. Scrambling forward through the bush I break through to the other side. Leaves and bits of tree taking refuge amongst my hair, I can feel it scratching against my scalp. Like swatting birds from around me I flail my arms to clear the debris from my long hair. The morning sun in the sky shines bright, the treetops have been acting as a great shelter. Squinting from the light, I bring my hand up to my eyes to guard them. I open them slowly seeing the water field in front of me, I have no choice but to head out through it. So far, my leather boots are holding up, the thick socks I'm wearing is making it bearable. Making my way to the other side of the water field by dusk is the aim, there is an abandoned homestead just on the other side.

Standing up I rise to my feet, stretch my arms up to the sky. Naturally a groan rises from the pit of my stomach, leaving my throat in an audible raw. As though I am trying to reach the sun that blinds me, I hold my arms above me. Looking up in the same direction as my hands, the rain patters against my face. Big raindrops bouncing off of my skin sending a chill down my body. Setting my pack on over my shoulders I set off through the water field. Sliding down the first bank I find myself deep in water. Immediately it rises about halfway up my shins, luckily the boots are still taking the brunt of it. Before my legs become soaked through, I set off into the field, it feels like a workout as I have to bring my knees up to my waist. Slowly getting through reeds and vegetation getting entangled on my feet, making it harder to walk through.

"Uh, this is going to take forever," I say to myself out loud.

The walking is tiresome as I wade through the marshy undergrowth, water splashing up soaking my trousers. They begin to constrict around my legs from the moisture, the continuing rain above isn't helping either. My hooded top is soaked through and clings to my small frame, it didn't start off figure hugging. The rain is like a fine mist and makes it difficult to see much further ahead, not able to look immediately in front of me, I watch the floor right in front of me. Trekking through more of the water fields my attention turns again to Percy, it's been another night of him being taken. He could be anywhere by now; they could be holding him in the quarry, and I am walking in the wrong direction. Suddenly I stop allowing my feet to sink further into the mud beneath. Am I going the right way, who is this Lyndon guy anyway? My mum knew him from a while back, but I have no idea who he is, walking in the opposite direction, how am I going to help Percy. I feel my heart drop into my stomach, making me feel sick. A lump rise into my throat and my breath catches. I attempt to swallow hard to move the lump that's stuck, moisture builds up around my eyes. Blinking frantically the tears don't fall, for now at least.

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