chapter 10

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Thankfully, Hayden is gone when I wake up.A feeling of relief washes over me as I glance over at the unmade bed. You can tell he and Skylar are total opposites when it comes to this matter. Her beds always made. She keeps the blankets assembled perfectly. Each one in its own spot.

His blankets are simply wadded up and tossed down at the foot of the bed. His pillow is still bowed down, holding the shape of his head. A small twinge of pain tugs lightly at my heart.

Skylar still hasn't made it back yet, either. Being by myself gives me too much time to think. I'm alone. And I probably will remain this way forever. I'm damaged beyond repair. I'll never be good enough for anyone. Not even my family wants me around. It's sad to think that the whole reason I'm in college is so my mom could get rid of me. Not because I deserve it.

She was super quick to agree to this arrangement. I didn't even get time to think about it. The day they offered her this deal, she signed the papers with no hesitation. She signed me away like I was a piece of property.

I take the alone time to straighten up my side of the room. Compared to hers, I look like a slob. I've been neglecting several boxes. They still need unpacked and put away.Nearing the bottom of the box, a small silver-framed photo catches my eye. I collapse onto the floor, clutching it tightly in my grasp.

Who knew a simple photo in a cheap ninety-nine-cent silver plastic frame could cause so much pain?

Tracing the outline of his features makes me smile. His big green eyes stare up at me. I always felt like he could read my soul whenever he looked at me. He would stare at me for hours, running his hands through my hair. His soft lips nibbling along my neckline. It would drive me insane.

My hand gently stroked the side of my jaw. For a moment, I could feel him touching me, caressing me.

The camera had managed to catch the perfect moment. The wind was blowing his dirty blonde hair all over. A huge contagious smile splashed across his face. He could make anyone's day better with his grin. I could never be sad when I was around him. He made sure of that.I remember this day like it was yesterday. We had went fishing with his grandpa. It was only the three of us. It had been like a mini escape from reality. His grandpa has a little cabin tucked away in the middle of nowhere. The only thing around us was nature. In front of it was a giant blue lake. I remember I was so surprised it had actual Lillie pads with frogs on them. That was my first time ever seeing them in real life.

His grandpa taught me how to fish that day. We had taken this picture right after I caught my first catch. I was so proud of myself, even bragged for weeks about it. That had been one of the best days of my life. I laughed more than I ever had before.

He had teased me for being too of a wimp. When it came time to take the fish off the hook, I cried. I felt like a horrible person. Knowing inside what was about to happen to that poor little creature.

His grandpa told us stories from the war as we cooked our dinner. Of course, using the fish we had caught over the open fire. I had watched in a strange trance as he and his grandpa cleaned each one. They were both so skilled with the knife. It looked easy the way they did it.His grandpa mocked me for crying when they removed their heads. He gave me a whole lecture on how it's natural. How fish were created to be eaten. It's the cycle of life.

I can't help but smile at the memories.

We were two teenagers in love. Nothing was going to come between us. We had our whole lives together. This picture shows it all. Both of us, completely lost in the moment, full of love and laughter. His arms wrapped around me, gripping me firmly against his chest. That was my favorite place to be. I felt safe and secure.

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