chapter 14

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"Johnny, no, please! This can't be real. Look at me, talk to me. Help me, anyone, please!"

"Bex, wake up, it's okay. Wake up!" his voice is soft but stern as he shakes me gently.

"Johnny, you're okay," I whisper hoarsely. My throat is sore and scratchy from screaming. I attempt to sit up, but his arm is bracing me in place.

"No Bex, it's me Hayden" he reassures me."You were having one of your nightmares," he whispers. His muscular arms wrap around me, helping me to sit up.

I'm so dizzy and confused.

It had felt so real. I was holding him in my arms. His body would jerk every so often. The blood was flowing out of him onto the pavement below. Each jerk sent another gush of blood spewing out. I can still feel the warmth of his blood oozing through my fingers as I attempted to apply pressure to his wounds. No matter what I tried or how hard I pressed, it wouldn't stop.

The bed rises as Hayden slides off. The room is pitch dark, besides a small sliver of light coming from the window behind me. I can't see anything. There's no noise except for the sound of him rummaging around for something nearby.My heart is racing.

It takes a second to remember where I am. My eyes are slowly beginning to adjust to the darkness. I can vaguely make out several big shapes around the room.

"Here" Hayden hands me a clean t-shirt from out of my drawer.He must have felt the wetness on my back while helping me to sit up. The thin wet material is clinging to my back.Without hesitating, I pull the moist shirt up and over my head, tossing it to the ground. The dry one slides on easily despite my sweaty skin. For once, I'm thankful for the darkness. We don't need a repeat of earlier.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up," I mumble. My eyes automatically shift from his face towards the ground below. I can't help but feel guilty. As the light from outside cascades over his face, he looks tired and worn out.

"Don't worry, you didn't. I've been awake for hours. I couldn't sleep after earlier. Plus, you were tossing and turning so much I thought you were going to fall out of the bed. Didn't want to miss that, did I?" he says teasingly, clearly trying to lighten the sour mood.I can't help but to smirk a little. Out of habit, I turn away from him so that he doesn't see my reaction.He gently turns my face towards him, using his hand. With one swift move, he forces my chin up so I'm now looking directly into his eyes.

"I only want to make sure that you are okay," he whispers. His eyes lower for a few seconds before returning to mine. He seems almost embarrassed.His body shifts slightly on the bed, allowing his arm to graze mine. My body tingles in response to the warmth of his skin.

"Be honest, you think I'm a freak, huh?" I ask him. I can't help feeling like I'm two inches tall. Instinctively, I shrink back away from him, smashing against the headboard. A soft thud echoes in the silence as the headboard bounces against the wall from my added weight.

He sits silent for a minute. His eyes trained on the ground. I'm almost afraid of his answer. What if he thinks I'm weird? Or if he tells people about my nightmares. My breath catches in my throat at the thought of everyone knowing the truth.

"No, I don't. I swear. But maybe you think about talking to someone," he sighs, reaching over to rub my back.His touch is gentle but firm. It brings me a sense of comfort and security.My body relaxes as he continues massaging in small circular motions across my lower back.

"I'm here for you whenever you decide to open up. I know we don't know each other like that, but I am a good listener. And besides, I'm not that horrible. Even though I know sometimes, it may seem like it," he grins sheepishly.The light once again glides over his face as he scoots a little closer towards me. Creating a soft glow across his smooth skin as he looks into my eyes. Both of his eyes sparkle as he gives me one of his rare grins.

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