chapter 20

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"BOOM!!" A loud crack of thunder sounds from somewhere nearby. It's followed up by a flash of lightning, which lights up the small room.

Another loud crack of thunder roars from the distance. As expected, the small room lights up again. Illuminated in an eerie glow from the next bolt of lightning, like clockwork.

I hate storms. I've always been afraid of them since I was younger. As a kid, I used to run to Jason's room, jumping into his bed. He never got mad at me. Instead, he would take our old camping lanterns and light up the darkness. We would stay awake until the storm had passed, playing cards and other random board games. Looking back on it now, it pains me. I miss him so much. No matter how tired he was, he would stay awake until I fell asleep. I always felt so safe with him. He was my protector.

As an adult, my hatred of storms hasn't eased up any. If anything, it seems to have gotten worse.

"Hayden, wake up please" I shake him a little harder than I intended to. Almost knocking him out of the bed. I have to grab onto his shirt to keep him from rolling onto the floor below us.

"What? What's going on?" his voice is hoarse. He doesn't make any effort to open his eyes. The next few sounds that come from him are a mess of mumbled slurs and grunts.

"It's storming and I can't sleep. Will you sit up with me, please?" I plead with him, giving him another shake, but easier this time. I pull the blankets down, in an attempt to make him wake up.

"What time is it" he asks, using his free hand to rub his eyes.

"I don't know. My phone is dead. The storm must have knocked the power out," I whine, using his chest to push myself into a sitting position.

"Did the storm wake you up or were you having a nightmare?" he asks, rolling himself up onto his side, using his arm to support his head.

"Don't laugh at me, ok" I beg him, debating if I should tell him the truth or not. He doesn't speak, instead, he stares at me, waiting for me to continue.

"It was the storm. I don't have nightmares when I sleep next to you," I mumble, looking down, embarrassed by my honesty.

"Hey, why would I laugh at you? I'm glad I can be of use to you" he takes a free strand of my hair and gently tucks it back behind my ear.

"You know you can talk to me, right? I won't judge you. You're not the only one with a past. I have a pretty checkered one myself. It would surprise me if Sky hasn't already told you about it all," he whispers, looking up at me."

"If it makes you feel better, she hasn't told me anything. But then again, you're not the topic of our conversations," I playfully add. The whole time, secretly trying to ease my way out of this conversation. I turn slightly so that my back is against the wall, my legs draped over his hips.

"Let me up real quick. I need to piss. If I can even find my way to the bathroom," he groans. The bed squeaks as it rises. His body slides out from beneath me, taking his body heat with him.

"Damn," he curses under his breath. At that very moment, a loud thud echoes from the room's far end. It's pitch black in the room. I can barely make out his shadow. But I'm assuming he must have run into something. I can't help but smile at myself.

When I hear the creak of the bathroom door, I lay back on the bed, stretching out. My head is throbbing, and of course, I forgot to pack my Tylenol.

I wonder if everyone else is sleeping. Or if they're like me. Sitting up, hoping that this storm passes soon. Afraid of the shadows in the dark.

The bed sinks as Hayden climbs back in, hovering over me.

His face is only inches from mine.

"What do you suggest we do to pass some time" he smiles. He inches his knee between my legs, applying soft pressure against me. How can he go from being so sweet and serious to a horny little boy so fast? I silently laugh to myself, shaking my head. I'm sure not complaining.

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