chapter 1

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AN/ I literally made this for myself. I'm gonna use my name and pronouns, so sorry about that. Also, it's clean for u other holy children out there, but there will be occasional mild swearing. Just like, no smut🙃

Warren couldn't believe his eyes. The new girl, dressed in a floral yellow dress and converse, was sitting in front of him at his usually secluded lunch table. She was the complete opposite of him. Dirty blonde waves with purple underneath, blue eyes, very perky. A total ray of sunshine.

Why would she sit with him? She was pretty enough to be with the popular girls. And her ability to control and grow plants would fit in perfect with them. Yet she sat with the scariest looking guy she could find. Warren didn't know what to do or say to the cute girl in front of him. He just glared in confusion as she lowered herself into the plastic seat in front of him.

"I'm Rebecca. Most people call me Becca, though," she said smiling. When Warren didn't answer, she encouraged him to go on.

"And you are...." She said in a sassy tone. Caught off guard by the lack of fear she showed him, he snapped out of his daze and responded.

" Names' Warren. Why are you sitting here? No one sits with me," his tone wasn't as harsh as he hoped it would be. It was almost like she took away his ability to be scathing like he usually was.

Rebecca just shrugged. "You looked interesting," she stated calmly, resting her chin on her fist. "You gonna prove me wrong?" She challenged. Warren tried to fight the small smile on his lips at her refreshing sass and lack of fear towards him.

"Wouldn't want to do that," he said, still fighting the genuine smile that threatened to break out on his face. The  bell suddenly rang for their next class.

"See you later, Warren," she said as she stood up, shouldering her bag.

"What makes you think I want to talk to you again, flower girl?" Warren teased, watching as she walked backwards slowly away.

"You gotta prove me right, don't you?" And with that, she turned and walked out of the cafeteria. Warren smiled and sighed. That girl was a spitfire. And he already couldn't get enough of her.

In his next class, Warren found a note and a yellow flower right on top in his bag. The note had a phone number and was signed "flower girl" with a smiley face next to it. His heart softened just a tiny bit.

Warren Peace x Reader (Aka Me Sorry Y'all)Where stories live. Discover now