Chapter 7

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Seeing myself standing there, it was like looking into a funhouse mirror.

"Flare? May I have my journal back?"

Andrew ran up with the look of shock, "T-Tamar?"

'No you fool that's not Tamar! I am!'

"It is good to see you my love."

Daren and looked down at me with confusion. I grabbed Andrew's arm, "May I speak with you?"

Andrew nodded and followed me to the start of a hallway, "I don't think that is the real Princess."

"What do you mean?"

"The fact that was all of a sudden she appears after a century and wants her journal back without lifting the spell."

"Are you sure?"

"I will prove it."

Leaving Andrew behind me, I walked over to the "Princess."

"Your highness, in order for me to return your journal you'll need to remove the spell from me, and tell me the password you gave me."

She looked a bit worried but, looked to Andrew, "I don't need it right now. The spell and password are a secret."
My jaw dropped, I couldn't just come out and just say I'm the real Princess.

"Come, Andrew. We have lots to talk about."

The "princess" took Andrew's arm and walked away. Daren could tell how hurt I was. He leaned down a bit and whispered to me, "Are you alright Princess?"

"I j-just need some time to myself."

Walking away from Daren, I headed out of the castle to the nearby forest and sat by the river. By the river, was a tree with mine and Andrew's initials on it. I placed my hand on it.

"How could he not believe me?" I spoke aloud.

Time had passed quickly. Night had fallen. I headed to the castle. Upon arrival, Andrew ran up to me, giving me a hug.

"I was so worried about you, Flare."

"I'm fine, your highness. I went down to the river for the day."

A bit of anger slipped through when I spoke, "Look, Flare. Until you have hard evidence, that the Princess is a fake, I can't do much."

"You can't just confront her?" I pushed him away, "If I was the real Tamar, I would be insulted by this."

The flames on the torches roared up, scorching the walls behind it.

"Take a look at the amulet it will truly tell you who's really here."

I walked off, leaving Andrew behind in the courtyard. Jen stood by my chamber door along with Daren.

"Lady Flare! We're very glad your safe. I've brought you some clean clothes."

"Thank you Jen. I appreciate this."

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