Chapter 2

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It's been a few days since I accepted the Prince's offer, but I haven't seen him nor has he asked me to read any of the pages. I did however talk with Jen a bit when there's not much to do.

'I do hope that he's too busy with his royal duties to speak with me. Playing the nice girl is getting tiring. Not only that, but keeping who I am hidden, starts to have it's toll.'

When no one is around, and I get the chance, I write. From the time my eyes open, the time I'm alone, and before bed, I write down everything in that time span.

"Miss?" A voice called out.

I quickly closed my journal, hoping the person didn't notice and I turned to the voice, "You highness. What can I do for you?"

"In the time you have been here, not once have I asked your name. My manners must have slipped my mind when I heard you voice and saw your beauty."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "I thank you for your compliments. My name is Flare Raven."

The Prince took my hand in his and placed a small kiss on the back of my hand, "Its nice to know your name, Flare."

For a moment, I thought my cheeks were getting warm, as if I couldn't keep them from blushing, 'I'm hoping the Prince didn't notice my cheeks become red.'

"Your high-"

"Please, call me Andrew. It's too formal hearing you say 'your highness.'"

"But, your a Prince. Tour a higher rank than I . Out of respect and how I was raised."

"Well....I, Prince Andrew of the Onyx Kingdom, hereby set in place that you call me Andrew. But, not when were around everyone else."

"If you insist, Andrew."

"Now that we got formalities out of the way, would you mind reading a few pages of the journal?"

I pulled out the journal, "But, not here. Somewhere private."

He nodded, "I know just the place."

Andrew grabbed my hand and led me to a quiet location and offered me a seat, "Please begin Flare."

I sat down across from him and opened to the first page.

'Mother gave me this journal to keep record of the events that happens. Today was the first day, I was finally able to change into my dragon form earlier, father was super proud of me and told me that if I keep it up, I'll be able to protect everyone.'

Reading my thoughts out loud to him, felt odd and not right. My enemy hearing what I have written down from my past, just seems wrong.

'Today's date is August 5th, something terrible happened last night. The Dragon's amulet was stolen by none other than the Onyx Dragons. Those good for nothing thieves stole our Kingdom's most precious amulet that detects dragons, by shinning brightly of the color dragon that is near. Father went to the Onyx Kingdom to try and get it back.'

Andrew looked to me, "I remember that. My father came back with a strange amulet and told me that no one else can ever know that we have it. A few days later Tamar's father showed up and demanded that we return the amulet back to his kingdom. My father never did give it back."

He quietly looked away and stared off into the distance, "I'd like to make a change to our deal. I hope that's alright?"

"It depends on the change." He answered.

"Its more of adding a condition."

"Go on."

"I still read the pages, and tell you who I really am, I would like you to tell me more about yourself."

"That seems fair enough to me."

"Really? Your going to just some random person with your secrets?"

"You seems like a trustworthy person. We dragons are able to see the bad in people. What is it that you want to know about?"

I pondered a moment, "Who was Tamar to you? Other than just your enemy."

He took a moment to look around and leaned in, "To me she wasn't an enemy. We loved each other, despite that we're opposites. But, when my General returned saying that the Crimson soldiers attacked him and his men when they arrived, but I didn't send him there. He went without telling me and going against my orders."

'So that's what happened! He didn't send his General to kill off my people!'

"She left me a letter, when I went back to her land and it was sitting on a chest. The letter described how much she loved me, and that she couldn't understand why I sent my Generals and soldiers to finish off her people, and died thinking that I didn't love her."

He seemed to be really broken up about my 'death'. I didn't think he cared that much about me.

"Is that why you haven't married, because you still love her?"

He nodded and looked to me, "You remind me of her. Your beauty, and your eyes. But, one day I hope she can forgive me."

"But, she's no longer alive."

"You don't seem to understand the amulet and how it works . It never lies. It glows brighter when a dragon is closer to it, and from what I've seen the amulet has been glowing a bright red."

"If your so sure she's alive, then why haven't you used the amulet among your subjects to pull her out of 'hiding', and rekindle your love and explain what happened a century ago?"

"I didn't know where to start, and even if I walked among them to find her. Who's to say she's even in this part of the Kingdom. And believe me or not, I looked for so long as I could but, after not finding anything on her being alive. I had no choice but to stop."

"What would you say to her right now if she showed up?"

"I'd tell her that I never stopped loving her. But, that my General went against me and destroyed her people. I later found a child that he spared and the child described exactly what happened. He gave me a detail letter of the incident. I got word from his wife years later that he passed."

'What!! Someone of my Kingdom was spared?! I can't believe it. I thought all this time, I was the only one left. I bet he had children! I have to make contact with his family.'

"Did he have any children?"

"He had five children. But, I'm pretty sure they've all passed, but his two times great granddaughter came by a few days ago to speak with me. If you would like to speak with her, I can tell you where."

"You wouldn't mind telling me where she lives?"

He nodded, "I'm pretty sure a descendant of the Crimson Kingdom would like to get a look at their Princess' journal. I'd say its their birth right. Wouldn't you?"

"I'd say so. If I was them and I found out my great grandfather's Princess' journal still existed, I would be honored to see it."

He nodded, "Then it's settled. I will send you in a carriage tomorrow to meet her."

~End Chapter 2~

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