Chapter 17: A New Enemy

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The green blur of Sharrag shot across the forest’s of the Beor Mountains. Below him a heard of wild Feldunost were sprinting through the trees, running from the unseen predators they knew that lurked behind them. They were running fast, fast enough to keep Sharrag at a reasonable speed as he flew through the air.

‘Talismen!’ he said as he reached into the Shrrg’s mind, ‘Take Seriah and swing left. There is a clearing up ahead and if I land their they might split into two groups. Craves and Siserl, go right, Tay’el, keep coming from the middle.’


The wolves’ vocabulary had expanded at a fast pace during the last month. They could now understand and put together more complex sentences, and began to speak with each other on every day conversation instead of the usual grunts and growls that usually came with a Shrrg’s ‘conversation’. He snorted; before they learned how to speak they could hardly even understand each other, let alone normal human speech.

‘What if they continue ahead?’ asked Talismen, who had now become the unofficial ‘second-in-command’ of the wolf pack.

‘I’m there, I’m sure a dragon could easily withstand a few butts hear and there from a Feldunost,’ replied the dragon with a smile, he was in a good mood that day.

Sticking to the plan Sharrag swooped down and landed in the clearing, just as the first few large goats broke into the clearing. Seeing the dragon they bleated in alarm, trying to slide to a stop, but the Feldunost behind them continued to push them forward. Giving up they decided to veer away from the green monster ahead of them, some going right and some going left.

The few that wondered within reach of the dragon were instantly killed by talons or teeth. Before long there was a small pile of Feldunost next to him, and he nodded. That should feed the pack for a while, depending on what the other Shrrg caught of course.

He sent out his mind to the five of them, watching threw their memories. Talismen had managed to catch two, while the rest had one each. Sharrag scooped up his four and headed back to the cave where he knew the Urzhad and her cubs, as well as the wolf pups, were nesting.

The pups had grown quite a lot and would soon make an additional four to the dragon’s small fighting force. He would have to give them names as well, and snorted at the thought. He didn’t like naming things; he wasn’t the best at it. He did a small twist in the air and dived towards the cave.

The first thing he noticed as he neared the cave was the smell off fresh blood. He growled as he scented it and landed in the clearing. A puddle of dark red liquid was pooled up in a small crevice of the rock. It smelled and looked like the blood of an Urzhad. Surrounding the pool were three dead bodies wearing the same armour as most of the soldiers he had seen lately.

With a growl he walked into the cave, fire ready in his maw. As he walked threw he saw more of the dead bodies until he came to the form of the Urzhad. She was lying on the ground, her cubs and the pups behind her. She was breathing with labouring breath, her side mattered with blood and a dozen sword cuts covering her body. Sharrag growled and reached his mind to her. She was still alive at least, and none of her wounds were mortal, but to be able to do this much damage to an Urzhad was something unheard off before.

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