Prologue: The Starlit Goddess

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The frosty night sent chills down my back and my knees were quivering with the cold. I ignored this fact as I gazed up at the unusually bright stars, which were crystal clear. The stars held a small streak of light behind them as they shot across the sky. I made my silent wish, though I knew it would't be answered. This, after all, was not a shooting star, but in fact a meteor shower.

I stared from the flower wrapped gazebo into the canvas of specks of blue, black, and yellow. I watched the brightest stars twinkle at me, and felt a deep sorrow to know it would soon die out. I was comforted by looking at the other shining stars, and my face warmed up into a smile looking for the streaks of color too fast for the human eye to see for long, and to spot one brought me an unexplainable joy, deep inside my soul.

The stars taunted me with every single movement, wishing to fly up upon my invisible wings, up and away into the gorgeous light. That was forbidden by the hands of the angels and the fiery flames of Hell. Heaven had no intention of sharing such an immense power with the pathetic human race. I was not like them, and I was glad for that. What I wanted was someone to speak to, to wish for, to protect. The angels had left me on this awful planet with no one. No one but the humans, and I have never met a single truly good-hearted one in all of my years.

I wished that maybe my prayers would be answered. I inwardly laughed bitterly looking back at that thought. I didn't believe in God's righteous, not now. Unlike the beauty of the enormous, undiscovered, and pure space, people were dirty, self-centered, and arrogant. Tiny little specks on the Earth with no true meaning.

I had been a human myself once. I was a little girl who died at age 10. I didn't die of illness or accident. No, I was murdered. Tortured. Abducted. Stolen from my delightful family and left in the bitter cold with only my soul, because my body was destroyed, bloodied beyond help. Right before I died I realized something that would haunt me for the life after. The humans were not intelligent or kind, as I had thought, but tortureous, greedy, and self-centered.

I could use the horrifying power given to me and rule over all, or I could destroy my powers. But if I did, I would fade away with the stars at daybreak and I was too close to the stars to give up now. Oh, and there was also the fact that I was responsible for the world known as Earth, also known as The Starlit Goddess.


I hoped you liked it! This is just the beginning. Comment & spread my story, please! Maybe it'll encourage me to write more, and more often ;)

Love ya guys,


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