The Beginning

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I could hear the creek bubbling, the birds a chirpin' away and the wind blowing the long flowy grass to and fro as I was in my wee garden picking some herbs I be needin' for a healin'. 

The MacKinley boy and his foolishness runnin' on the walls of his parents house landed him at my wee place in need of his leg sewed and binded. I ended up using the last of my herbs, makin' a healin' salve for the boys wound. I sighed and took a deep breath, smelling the earthly smells all around me. The damp soil, the dewy grass, the fresh water. I loved the earth. Everything about it was so wonderous!

The Arnica and Yarrow came in beautifully this year, so I should have enough to last me till next spring. I sat there lookin' around at my garden, takin' mental inventory of what I had and how much I thought I would need for the year. 

I be blessed this year, I thought to myself, with a good crop of herbs and vegetables. I shouldn't go hungry all that much this year. I bowed my head and smiled and thanked the earth for its bountiful harvest this year. 

I went through and picked a bit of each herb so I could hang them to dry out for a few days.

I got up and wiped my tattered long skirt of the dirt I had gotten on it, kneelin' on the ground. The thing was a mess, many would say it be needin' thrown a way, with all of its patches and holes. I be sayin' otherwise. I donna have the kind of money they be havin' to spend on luxery things like new cloth to sow a new un'. This un' is just fine. It still has a few years in it yet!

I thought for a moment and nodded my head. I had what I needed. I turned from my wee garden and shut the makeshift gate, to keep the little critters from eatin' my crop, and started lazily walkin' back to my home. I took in the scene before me. My small beat up little cottage may look rundown to alot of people, but it was my home. I loved it. No one really bothered me here. Well, that be true that is, unless they be needin' some healin'. That seemed to be the only time anyone spoke to the likes of me.

People normally avoid me, thinkin' they may get cursed for talkin' to me. You see, they call me a witch, a heathen, or my personal favorite, the witch doctor. Though, I am none of those. I am just a wee woman who be knowin' about herbs, and how to blend them to make them heal. It probably doesn't help that I be sayin' small blessins' as I blend them. 

I chuckle to myself, thinking about how silly the town folk could be. I believe in God just as anyone else in the village. I donna go to church like everyone, but i be believin' just the same.

Mayhap they just need to be believin' I am bad. To ease their minds of the fact that My herb salves and rubs work. I donna know. Its not my place to judge them.

I get to my door and open it, i hear the creak of it's old hingin' and smile. My late husban' was supposed to fix that. Though, I can't blame a man for up and diein' out of the blue. I sigh, I missed that man. 

It's been many many moons since he died. My healin' couldn't even save the poor man. He had caught the fever, and not even myself could save him from it. I tried, tried everythin' i knew of to dampen a fever. But alas, he died within' a fortnight. 

He was the most lovin' man, not like most men, he never hit me, he be always makin' sure that I was taken care of. Always kind and lovin'.

I closed my eyes as a traitor tear went down my cheek, I wiped it away swiftly. "Ewan, I miss ya, ya foolish man." I said softly in prayer. I took a deep breath and smiled. No time to be all weepy. 

I closed my cottage door and looked around. My home be very small. A one small room. Had a small stove, a bed, and a small sink and table, and there be alot of shelves. I walked to the sink and hung the herbs upside down along the window so the sun would help dry them out. 

It was starting to get late. The sun was just a creepin' down to the horizon. 

I grab a small rough cloth and bar of soap and decide I be needin' a bath. I leave my home and head to the bubblin' creek.

I walked a little quick to the creek so it wouldn't be to dark when I got back.

I stripped meself of my clothing other than my ratt shift and sat on the edge of the creek bank and began washin' meself of all the grime of the day.

The water was cool and chilly on me skin. I shiver a little as the cloth touches my sensative parts. 

It was beginin' to get warmer, but there be still a bit of chill in the air from winter. 

I get on me knees and untie my long black hair from the leather strip I had it tied up with. I wet it in the creek and start scrubbin' it with the soap. 

All of a sudden I feel as if someone is watchin' me.  

The hairs on me neck stand on end, and I look around slowly, eyes narrowing tryin' to make out the shapes that be in the dark. I never been good at seein' in the dark. Sometime's I be wishin' I had cat eyes, so I could see.

I could see nothin' so I rinsed the soap from me hair and dryed meself of the cold water. I put me dress back on quick like and decided to just get home, just incase someone was there. 

The highlands are not the safest of place's, but I be livin' in the wood, no un' was ever out this way.

I made me way back to me house, went inside, ate a little peice of stale bread, and decided to call it a night. I be tired from the day.

I fell asleep shortly after layin' meself in bed. Thinkin' of the weird feelin' of someone watchin' me as I was bathin'. I had many nightmare's that night.

Unknowin' to meself, there were a pair of sea blue eyes, watchin' me as I bathed. They followed me as I made me way back to my home.

Hey everyone, I have returned with a new story!

Let me know what y'all think, and if I should continue! :)

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