The Encounter

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I was dreamin' of lush green meadows, full to the brim with the most beautiful flowers anyone could have ever seen, when I was suddenly awoken by the banging of me homes door. I jumped out the loud persistence of the person tryin' to wake me.

I hurried and lit a candle that was on me small bedside table and ran to the door. I opened it slowly and saw that it had been a pouring outside and before me very eyes stood a giant.

Well, not a giant. It was more of a beast of a man, clad in a kilt of green and blue plaid, with thick leather armor over his chest area. And the top of his kilt there be a thick leather buckled belt, bearing the biggest sword I ever did see.

My eyes widened as I took in his height and facial features. He was at least a foot taller than I, and believe you me I was not considered short either. He has a very handsome, yet ruggedly manly face, and what would be beautiful red hair,cropped short and as dirty as I ever did see full of mud and twigs. And his muscles went on for days and nights! The muscles on this man! I tried not to stare, or look frightened.

Then I noticed that he be carryin' a man, quite a deal smaller then he. He had a sword baring in his leg, the man was pale and, as I could tell, was passed out from the pain.

"Are ye the witch woman everyun in the village was talkin' aboot?" His deep voice brought me out of me trance I was in assessing the mans wounds.

I looked at the beast man and nodded my head sharply, "That be me. I be no witch though." I said with a little uneasiness to me voice. I motioned for the man to bring the wounded man into me home and place him on the cot set up on the other side of the room. 

He just stood there, not sure what to do I be guessin'.

I sighed, "Are ye just gonna stand there like an oaf, or are ye gonna bring the man in?" I said with some authority in my tone. 

He glared at me but stepped inside nonetheless. He walked in a hurried fashion to the cot and gently place the poor sod on the cot.

I walked over and pushed the beast of me way and started assession the wound and moving his kilt from the area. 

The sword seemed to go through and through.

I sighed. Went to me sink and began filling a pot with water, then placing it on the stove. I started a fire and waited for the fire to boil the water.

As I be waitin' on the water to boil, I decided to try and get some answers out of the beast. I needed more information before I be able to treat the man properly.

"What happen'?" I said to the man.

He seemed to jump slightly at the sound of me voice. 

He seemed to think about my question for a moment, and then seemed to decide on something.

"That be none of yer concern." He said in his deep voice "Just do yer healin' and we will be on our way." He said looking arrogant like he be winnin' somethin'.

I arched one of me eyebrows, he think he be the boss of me? well we will see.

"There be no healin' goin' on here, I be not knowin' what happen'" I said with me stern voice. Ewan used to say no un' be dumb enough to go against me when I be usin' it.

The beast didn't seem be smart enough to not go against me.

"Lass, you be healin' him now, or else." He said glarin' and tryin' to frighten me. I admit, he be an intimidatin' man, but no enough fer me to be scared.

"Or else what?" I said in a challenging tone. "This be me home, not yers. You be not me master. I need not take yer commands."

The beasts face seemed to be shocked, but it turned to anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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