Chapter Four

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The wolves brought Ruby to a small camp site, with tents set up randomly across the clearing. A larger hut was set up on a hill, overlooking the smaller ones. The black wolf snorted proudly and leaped up the steep boulders leading up to the hut. He walked inside, but no before turning and glinting his eyes evilly at Ruby. 

"I'll be waiting for you. Do not wear it thin; I'm a very impatient man," he warned before walking into the hut's depths. 

The white wolf growled slightly when he left. He calmed himself and let Ruby go. "You should go. He..hates waiting," he said sadly and turned and walked off, into the mass of snickering wolves. 

Ruby made her way up the hill, ignoring the eyes of the wolves on her or the feeling that the white wolf almost didn't want her to go. A cold silence hung in the air and she wanted to run. To run away from the wolves. Away from her fears. 

She pushed herself forward. The black wolf, the alpha, she supposed, didn't seem like the one to let her escape easily. And yet the blood red eyes seem to remind her of a distant memory, an old myth....

"Daddy, tell me a story, please!" whined the four year old Ruby. Her father chuckled and sat on the bed, smiling at her. 

"If you behave, I will. Now...which story shall I tell tonight??" he asked himself and his eyes gleamed curiously. "Have you heard of the dark wolf and his Queen?" he asked. Ruby shook her head and waited eagerly for the story. 

"In a Dark Forest there lived Demons of destruction. They used to live in harmony with the humans, wolf and man. But when the Demon King, Ra, came to rule the wolves, he cut off the harmony, made everything unbalanced. He hated humans with a fiery passion. He hated every living thing made by God. But he and his pack were made from the hands of Satan, the Devil himself."

He paused. Ruby could imagine a strong wolf standing on a pile of human bones as Satan created his army. She shivered.  

"But God made things balanced again. He made a prophecy that a young innocent girl, the most innocent of God's creatures, will become the Demon's Queen. The Demon King will fall on his knees for her and do anything for her. But the Queen will bring destruction to the Demons. God only let the Demon King hear part of the prophecy, only up to falling in love with a beautiful Queen. He also feed him lies, that this Queen will bring him to his glory. 

"But God's actual prophecy said that the Queen will betray the King and fall for another member of his pack. She will defeat the Demon King and bring balance to the world again. Ra will fall and crumble under her reign."

He smiled and leaned down and tucked Ruby in, kissing her forehead gently. "Goodnight, Red," he whispered and left her to dream about the Queen and God.

The myth, it was true. The wolves in the Dark Forest, the black wolf must be Ra, the Demon King. But what had he said? Something about her being a Queen...? The Queen in the myth??? Ruby shook her head and slipped inside the hut. 

The wolf was gone. Instead, sitting on the edge of a large bed, was a dark haired man. He was tall and was bare chested, his muscles gleaming in the sunlight. His black hair hung in curls over two red eyes. He smirked at her and stood. 

"My Queen. I am Ra. The Wolf King. The Demon King. I have many names. But you will address me as  'My King' or 'Master'. I own you. You are mine. If you dare try to escape, I will punish you. You do everything and anything I ask. You are my possession. You are mine," he said, his voice cold and collected. Ruby shivered. 

He walked over to her and leaned in close to her. Ruby could feel his hot breath down her neck, could hear his heart beat, see his red eyes gleam dangerously. 

"You will live here. You will not leave this camp unless I tell you to do so and you must be accompanied by one of my wolves at all time. You will not touch another male while I live, understood?" he asked. Ruby nodded and whimpered. 

"Please...My King...I have to my Grandmother's. She's ill...she's dying...and I need to give her vital medicine. She's the most important thing to me. I save her," Ruby whispered. 

Ra leaned back and glared at her. "Fine. But I will escort you. You will give the medicine to her and leave straight away. We will leave tomorrow at dawn. I'm sure she can manage until then," he sneered at her. 

He turned to leave, but flashed her a smile. "My Queen," was all he whispered before he left. 

Ruby collapsed on the bed, too afraid to cry. Her body shook violently with silent sobs. The Demon King had killed her father, and now taken possession of her. 

There was a small timid knock on the door. Ruby blinked and buried her head in the pillow and silently screamed. Someone slipped inside. 

"I'm sorry," a voice said. The voice soothed her; it wasn't the Demon King. Ruby turned slightly and she saw a tall man with snow white hair and bright icy blue eyes. Ruby knew this man was the white wolf who had tried to help her earlier. 

"Why are you sorry? You did nothing," Ruby wondered, her voice small and weak. He smiled and sat next to her. Absently, he wiped the tears away with his thumb. His touch was gentle and kind. Ruby looked into his eyes, like two shards of blue glass. 

"I know, but I could have stopped him. I could have prevented this from ever happening," he sighed. 

"I'm Ruby," Ruby whispered quietly. He smiled. "Lucas. Pleasure to met you? Although if I was you I wouldn't be pleased at all, really," he said. Ruby laughed. This wolf man had made he laughed when she was kidnapped by a Demon King and her grandmother was dying. 

"Ra would be mad at me if he found me talking to you. I must go before he finds that I'm gone. Oh, and Ruby. Even though Ra might be a Demon King, I'm not like them," he said. He stood and smiled down at her before leaving. 

I decided to put another authors note down here just because I can ;) So, Ruby has finally been kidnapped by the all famous sexy Ra and she mets the amazing sexy Lucas!!! Hurray for sexiness!!! 

Thank you all so much and don't forget to vote, comment and fan!!!!

Fallen Abyss xxxx

P.S: Ra says if you don't vote, comment or fan, he will eat you all!!! Lucas says "please comment, vote, fan. Pretty please...???" Ah, my boys xxxx

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