439 19 3

11:24 pm

A cry broke the nightly silence, along with a lot of bangs and glass breaking. This instantly alerted the couple sleeping in bed.

"Jungkook?!" Y/N whispered, looking at him in panic as he quickly put some clothes on and grabbed something on his way out.

"Stay here, babe, and get that gun in the nightstand drawer, got it?" He said quietly as he went down-stairs to investigate. Y/N nodded and tried to calm her breathing, pulling out the drawer and looking inside. There, was a pistol and a letter resting besides it. Y/N looked at it in confusion before picking it up.

= = = =

"Get the baby, and make her shut up." Kai ordered. Jungkook was hiding in the darkness of the house but accidentally stepped on a spot of the wooden floor boards that creaks.

This made Kai and his men snap their heads towards the direction of the sound in alert. The lights on their head highlighted the spot as they cautiously looked around.

Kai was surprised by the sound of one of his men groaning along with the sound of something breaking. When he turned around he found half of his men already on the floor.

"Jungkook," Kai spat in utter hatred. "Show yourself, coward."

Kai stiffly looked around, eyeing his surroundings. A second time, as he turned his head away from his men he heard another groan and bashing. He snapped his head towards the direction and found two more of his men down.

"Damn it," Kai cursed. "Keep your senses high, he's here," he warned his men. "Do not underestimate him, he's fast and strong, got it?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Huddle up and around the baby, we can't let him get to her. The rest of you, split up and find the wife," he commanded darkly, smirking at the sound of a low growl.

Kai's men formed a protective barrier around another buff man holding a sleepy Yona who had been knocked out by sleeping gas. Another five of his men set out around the house to find Y/N, keeping a sharp eye around them.

Jungkook was in a corner, literally. He had nowhere to go without surely being caught. He couldn't even go up-stairs to Y/N to warn her that they were coming. Jungkook silently cursed to himself.

"Are you enjoying this, Jungkook? 'Cause I sure am," Kai laughed sadistically. Jungkook had to fight the strong urge of jumping out and beating him to a pulp.

"I'm going to take your wife and your daughter away from you," Jungkook's heart was beating faster by the moment, "and I'll make sure you experience the excruciating pain of losing a loved one." Kai spat confidently. His men stiffened up at the sound of Jungkook's dark chuckle.

"Oh? And you think I haven't already experienced that kind of pain?"

"What are you talking about," Kai retorted.

"You honestly think I'd let you take my Senpai and baby girl away from me?"

"Stay on guard," Kai ushered his men.

"Then you have another thing coming," Jungkook furiously said as silence followed.

Broken bones, screams, and multiple gunshots were heard everywhere around Kai. Before Kai could process what was happening, he found all of his men dead on the floor. He then heard intimidating and loud footsteps walk towards him in complete darkness.





Kai picked up one of his men's flashlights and looked all around him, finding nothing but the sinister sound of Jungkook's footsteps. He panicked and looked around in cold sweat, wanting the menacing footsteps to stop. It felt like the room was spinning.

Kai was breathing heavily as if he was running out of oxygen. But before he could regain his posture, Jungkook appeared behind Kai, whispering deadly into his ear;

"I'll be the one to make sure you experience excruciating pain, period."

= = = =

Y/N was still in bed, reading the letter she found resting beside the gun in the drawer. She read through it in utter helplessness, "What is this?" Y/N immediately tensed up when loud footsteps came from outside her door.

She quickly grabbed the pistol and letter and hastily got out of bed to hide in the closet. As if on cue, the door to the bedroom slammed open along with heavy footsteps surrounding the room.

Y/N clasped her hand over her mouth once the sound of gunshots and screams came from downstairs. This alerted the people in her room, as they spoke among themselves.

"Should we go down and help?" A man suggested.

"No, our top priority is to get the wife." Another man's deep voice denied.

"We must be quick then, Jeon must've already killed everyone down there, we need to find her, now." A familiar woman's voice stated, the sounds of light footsteps walking around the room.

Y/N's voice hitched from the sound of a hand grasping the closet's handle. The door slid open slowly but stopped at the sound of Kai's scream.

"GET THE GIRL, YOU MORONS!" Before a gunshot was heard. Immediately, the five people in the room with Y/N had left with the sound of their fast footsteps.

Y/N didn't know what was going on but her hiccups grew louder along with her unsteady breathing as she tried to calm the hell down. She hesitantly grasped the gun next to her.

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