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Y/N woke up to Yona's cries. "Oii, what time is it?" She thought.

The tired mother tried to get up but was held down by a massive body over hers. Looking down she saw her husband, Jungkook, with his face in her chest and his arms wrapped around her. How was she going to get out now?

She soothingly started brushing his hair with her fingers, cooing his name ever-so-softly, "Kookie..."

His eyebrows furrowed and he let out a small grunt, making his wife laugh as quietly and as still as she could.

"You need to get off, love," She explained, pushing him a bit. 

He replied with the sound of "No." You know, the nu-uh.

She rolled her eyes and used all her might to sit up, making him roll off of her. She cheered victoriously in her mind as she quietly got out of bed, having to address the baby's situation. She didn't have clothes on, not that it mattered. But she still went to put on her robe.

However, she couldn't find it. It wasn't hanging on the ramp in the bathroom; where was it? She had no other option but to use Jungkook's, which was like a huge dress on her. Nonetheless, she put it on and went to her daughter's room, her cries getting louder. She creaked the door open, ceasing the crying for a moment before they returned.

She walked in, saying softly, "Yona~? What's wrong, love? Are you hungry?" This made Yona's cries quieter and quieter until they were just sniffles and hiccups. She held her arms out, wanting to be carried. Y/N picked Yona up, smelling her diaper, and decided that she was probably hungry. Carrying her daughter in her arms, she headed to the kitchen and set her down on the counter, standing between her legs to make sure she doesn't fall off.

Y/N grabbed some a banana from nearby (idk) and neatly cut them into half slices for Yona, bringing some crackers for her as she munched on them. Y/N and Jungkook noticed Yona loved bananas, so they tested to see if she liked banana milk. The theory became true that she in fact loved banana milk just as much as her father does. So you'd find them drinking it together all the time.

After she was done eating some of the banana, she turned to the crackers and small crunches filled the room. The mother ate the rest of the banana, enjoying the peaceful midnight snack with her daughter.

An abrupt scream filled the silence which caused the young girl to jump and start crying.

"Jungkook!" Y/N whisper-yelled as the said man was laughing in her shoulder. His wife slapped his shoulder before turning to their daughter, trying to soothe her rapid-beating heart.

"Shh, it's okay, love. Your father was just being a jerk and scared me." Y/N said to Yona. Jungkook finally calmed down, holding his wife's waist as he gazed at his daughter staring at him with teary eyes and flushed face. He felt guilty, resulting in Yona getting a kiss on her head.

Jungkook was new to being a father, so he was very awkward at first. But he's warmed up to Yona now, this is only one of the few times he's actually kissed her like that. He gave her her very own nickname, 'Bunny.' Y/N thought it was so cute, she couldn't stop teasing him about it.

Back to the story, Yona looked down at her crackers and started munching on them again as Jungkook played with her chubby cheeks and adored her. Y/N enjoyed this moment as much as possible before it ended, knowing that everything comes to an end sometimes. But things weren't ending so soon just yet.

It was only getting started.

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