T W E N T Y - O N E

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"I-I..." Jungkook couldn't find words to explain. He knew what happened and tried to tell her but with her teary-eyed glare, it made him too astonished to even speak.

"Forget it." She whispered. Y/N turned back to Nayeon with a pitiful expression. She went down and hugged Nayeon so tightly, muttering repeatedly, "I'm so sorry."

Jungkook couldn't help but watch in utter despair.

= = = =

The boys took Baekhyun, Chen, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Suho with them to Jungkook's home to investigate them and ask them questions. Meanwhile, Y/N and the girls took Nayeon with open arms. Jungkook was obviously pissed about the situation.

"Jeez, calm down, 'Kook," Heechul whined, fanning himself from the intense heat. Mark glared at him, telling him to shut his mouth.

"You okay, Jeon? What's up." Mark reassuringly asked him, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Jungkook glanced at him, "I'm fine."

Mark quirked a brow, "Really?"

The stressed man sighed and finally gave in, "It's Nayeon." Jaehyun and Daniel quietly "oh" -ed in the back seat where the others held captive were sitting tied down.

"What about her?" Heechul asked. 

Jungkook sighed and told them, "I don't know how I never noticed it was her all along behind that mask."

"Yeah, I mean she has good reason to. Her face was really bashed up, she must've been through a lot." Heechul sighed in pity for the woman.

Jungkook stayed silent.

"Yeah, whoever did that to her must've been insane!" Daniel obliviously said, shaking his head in disbelief. Mark and Jaehyun glanced at each other, then at Jungkook. Jungkook held no expression but his eyebrows pinched together as he drove the van back home.

= = = =

The moment they walked through the door of the garage, the first thing they noticed was blood and multiple corpses everywhere. And it stank really badly.

The guys had to hold back as they gagged after breathing in the awful smell. Their first instinct was to go back to address the situation.

"It smelled like actual horse-poop and dog-poop combined. And much worse." Heechul groaned, plopping down onto one of the wooden boxes stored with Christmas decorations.

"The bodies are still in there? Ew." Chen grimaced. The rest of them had similar expressions. Jungkook stepped over and pulled out a large box full of disinfectant sprays, wipes, masks, rags, bleach, and other chemicals. Along with aprons and rubber gloves that reach to their elbows. Jungkook turned towards the ones captive and glared down at them.

"You're helping us clean."

= = = =

The girls, including Nayeon, went shopping and to spas just for fun and to clean themselves up a bit. Y/N was still upset about the previous matter.

"I mean, he told me that no one was left!" She fumed, thrusting her arms into the air. Chaeyoung put her hand on her shoulder, "Maybe he forgot?"

Y/N looked at her and half-heartedly smiled, "I guess so..."

"Why are we even talking about this? Let's go shopping!!" Momo squealed.

"Don't worry about it right now, Y/N. Let's just enjoy our time together and we'll talk about it all later." Ji-Hyo reassured her.

Y/N smiled at them, "Okay, and thanks, you guys." They all laughed and cheered as Nayeon was sitting in the far corner; obviously uncomfortable.

"Nayeon, was it? Where do you want to go first? The spa, or shopping?" Sana asked kindly. Nayeon flinched at the mention of her name and hesitantly peaked through the small split in her hair.

"U-Uh, whichever is fine." Nayeon was assertive and confident on the outside, but with Y/N and other females around her, it was difficult to conceal how shy she truly was.

"You don't have to be so shy," Jennie smiled. "You can be yourself around us. We're your friends!"

"Friends...?" Nayeon muttered. 

Dahyun laughed and messed her hair up, "Yeah! Friends."

"I think we should go to the spa first though," Sana said rubbing her chin. Ji-Hyo, who was driving, looked in the rear-view mirror. "Spa it is then?"

The girls looked at each other and finally decided. 


= = = =

"This stuff freaking stinks, oh my gosh." Chanyeol groaned in disgust behind his mask. 

Baekhyun snickered at him as he mopped up the floor, "Well, duh." 

Jungkook came through the door, "Less talking and more working."

They shivered at his intense glare and went back to mopping and wiping quickly. "How is he so scary? He's scarier than Sehun and Boss combined..."

"I know right.."

Meanwhile with Sehun and Daniel, who were throwing the bodies into a pile; silence. 

Daniel was so stiff and quiet because of how intimidating Sehun was to him. Every time Sehun would call out to him, "Hey, you."

Daniel would yelp and quickly turn around with a high-pitched voice, "Yes, s-s-sir?"

"Can you pass me a disinfectant wipe?"

"Y-Yes, sir!!"


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