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Apple POV
I can't wait for school especially to see Her!! * squeals* I'm in my moms castle my mom comes in Dear are you ready my mom says Yep I said all jumpy why so excited my mom says with a chuckle Because I said bursting with excitement Because my mom says curious I Get to see my lover!! I burst with a smile then mom got confused and asked who's your Lover again apple pie and I give her are you serious stare she giggled GIGGLED!! I sighed in my head and said it's raven mother with a smile if your wondering why I'm home it's because of spring break in E.A.H aka Ever after high oh mom said in realization and smiled I'm all packed I said
~ with Raven POV ~
I'm in my room talking to my mom Hiya mom I said lovingly Hello my little blackbird my mom The Evil Queen or Grimhilde to snow and my dad I get to see my Lover But no one knows except our parents we have to pretend to be with boys so no one gets suspicious I have to pretend to date dexter charming he knows that I'm married but promised to keep it a secret along with daring he's dating Rosabella who also knows our secret and agreed for Apple to use daring so did Cupid he loves Cupid literally not all say Irdie .... Bir...die BIRDIE!! My mom yelled snapping me out of my thoughts I Looked all around in panic and calmed down as I saw the mirror that held my so called " evil Queen" of a mother and said o-oh yes mom she sighed and said more like repeated I said are you ready for school again oh! School I thought in my head Yup! I said excited to see my Queen only I thought in my head again hehe I Laughed lightly  what's so funny birdie Mom said huh oh just a thought I said with a big smile she got confused I rolled my eyes playfully and said school can't wait for my roommate and she got excited you mean snow's daughter she said yup I said well ttyl mom ok birdie mom said and I continued to pack all my things for school and said my goodbyes to the servants and people in the castle and dad And went into the limbo sine With my stuff and took off to school from spring break
~ time skip at E.A.H~
- still Raven POV -
I arrived at Ever after high and got my stuff that was in my bottomless trunk I levitated and thanked the driver he smiled as a your welcome and drove off I took A deep breath of the fresh air and exhaled and walked with my BFFA Madeline hatter Maddie for short she proclaims to us we walked into the steps as I was in deep thought I was shortly Cut off my deep thoughts by Maddie saying see everyone loves you with encouragement dismissing all the running and screaming and papers flying around then Maddie continued until her wonderland watch broke meaning it's tea time she then shouted ooh tea time! And pulls out a tea set and two chairs tea scones and other treats and earl gray the dorm mouse who lives inside her hat - Squeak- he said and Maddie giggled Why earl gray you adorable little thing and why yes this is a new dress and poured the tea to the ground I silently giggled and waved goodbye signaling I was leaving I went to my dorm room To My surprise My roommate was . . . . . My Beautiful Wife! I then sneaked behind her quietly not after closing our door and said hi My beloved Princess she jumped and looked at me and her eyes lit up as I hugged her waist And I closed the window with a curtain and kissed her neck I was gonna kiss her again until the mirror-phone rang I looked at mine it didn't ring it was apple's she checked it. It was briar Beauty Daughter of sleeping beauty was calling Apple answered it and said yes briar in the phone in speaker was briar saying Yo Apple you need to come check this out! Through the phone then Apple said through the phone Um what is it briar then briars voice came through again there's Daring charming Asking For your presence I heard it was about Lizzie hearts Daughter of The Queen of wonderland also known as The Queen of hearts oh kk Apple said through the phone and briar said through the phone K Bye and Apple said the same and hung up the mirror phone and put it down and sighed my Love are you ok I asked worried She said No Dear it's daring Because of him everyone expects me to Date Him Because of Destiny Yuck!! I chuckled My Queen my Apple dear said yes my princess I said Wanna go with me  said Apple sure! I said and we must act in public again she said while I sighed Sadly yes I said and we got ready But not without one long kiss and we stopped I wiped my lipstick Off of her lips and she did the same to me and we put our daily lipstick back on and left without suspicion of each other's lipsticks on us we got to them I then started acting so did Apple whenever we say mean things to each other we don't mean it she knows that I then said MOVE IT WHITE!! Through pretend anger oh I'm sorry I didn't notice you Apple said sarcastically Oh you wanna go "princess" I mocked as we went to them So what if I do she said with fake anger oh I said deeply offended fake she smirked and said Bring it We can hurt each other it won't hurt us no matter how much we hit bite or do anything hurtful to each other it won't hurt I Kicked her she fake pain moaned and she slapped me didn't hurt I punched her no matter how many wounds we get we'll automatically heal she punched me we got distant and began running to each other but got stopped when we were held back By Briar and daring!!! Daring was holding me and Briar was holding Apple I said villainy We'll settle this Later AppleWitch she said in the same tone Indeed we shall WitchSlut!! And we growled we went our separate ways walking past each other and i winked at her she did the same I Bumped her shoulder and said tch anywhere I try to hurt even bones it'll heal for us she did the same  and walked away to princessology class and me to villain  class
- After class-
Faybelle I Ran into her she electrocuted me and laughed I punched her in the stomach with 2% force and she spitted out her own saliva and fell into the lockers which caused a dent in them and left with a smile of a smirk and chuckled lightly I made it to my dorm room and I opened the door And in the room was apple White Queen my lovely wife Yes we wear rings but they're invisible She smirked evilly while in deep thought probably about Lizzie and daring I sighed as she was in her own little world I then chuckled and said Darling Please stop Daydreaming of Hurting and cursing daring and she just pouted and said yes dear Hmph I silently chuckled And said Dear How long Do We ... I stayed silent for a few seconds and continued How Long do we keep this act up! I said again while hugging her from behind she of course was at her mirror hehe That Held my "evil mother" I thought sarcastically She ain't really evil it was the Storybook of legends fault Tch I said darkly it seemed that Apple noticed my Word of darkness and sighed and said with a Small smile Thinking about The Book again hon I sighed and said Yes Indeed I am Beloved Hehe with a silent laugh

Ever after high : Apple and raven Secretly marriedWhere stories live. Discover now