DIL:Chapter 1

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Summer was the best. It has always been the best. My parents always send me somewhere for a vacation with my cousin Hailey. I don't know if I'll be happy with this setup or not, cause I think my parents always send me for vacation to focus on their work. I feel like they wanted to get rid of me. Or maybe I was just paranaoid, I dunno.

Hailey always let me go out wherever I want. She trust me enough to let me go anywhere. That's a good thing though. She is a year older than me but I think I am more matured and serious when it comes to decisions. I am a serious person. Yeah, I joke, laugh and do crazy things, but I always take things seriously. I have friends, but not as many as Hailey's.

"You know, you should take a break." Muttered Hailey, while fixing the sheets of her bed.

"Take a break of what?" I mumbled as I scan my phone for some messages from my friend Kisha who asked me to sleep over in her house.

"Take a break of swimming. You always swim all day long and sometimes you even forget to eat your lunch. Or even dinner!" She rolled her eyes and folded her blanket.

"At least, I eat."

"Yeah right. Stubborn as ever. By the way I'm gonna go to a party from the new friend I met yesterday near the pool. Remember Aidan? Yah, he invited me.."

I look at her and raised my brows. "So?"

"I wanna ask you if you.. wanna come?" She gave me a hopeful look.

"Hmmm, maybe some other day."

She quickly groaned. "Really Abigail? Don't be such a killjoy."

I shrugged and smiled. "I can live without parties couz,"

She shook her head and raised both of her hands like she's giving up. "Okay, whatever you say." She went out of the suite. Maybe she'll meet that Aidan again. Well, surely she's attracted to him. She always get attracted to a guy even if she just met him like, an hour ago or something.

I sighed and got up from my bed. I walked towards the bathroom and threw my pajamas and tops on the floor. I stepped in the shower and washed myself. This is my 7th day of my stay here in Boracay and I've been having fun here. I can encounter artists here who is (that's what they call it) famous. I expect myself to form a big 'O' in my mouth and get mesmerized by their beautiful faces, but I just can't. They're just human, for Pete's sake. Well anyway, enough with this nonsense and I'll just soak myself with Hailey's new shower gel.

"Hey, why don't you want to go and sleep over in our house?" Kisha asked through the phone.

"I just don't like to. Honestly it's kinda boring."

"That's what you always say. Anything new?" She said, I can sense her being sarcastic.

"I just really don't wanna go." I sighed and played with the wire of the phone.

"Okay, but in case you change your mind, my phone is always ready." I heard her giggled and ended the line.

I'm now in my two piece, and obviously ready to dive. That's what I always do here. And seriously I'm having fun. If I would be Hailey, I'm sure I'll ask myself.. What is life without parties and friends?

I walked past to a group of what you call oh-so-hot guys and they whistled when I walk pass through them. I don't wanna roll my eyes cause I just don't wanna do it. So instead I just shrugged and continued to walk. Manwhores.

Yesterday, my longest time for holding my breath is 10 minutes and I wanna break that record today. So I'll aim for 15 minutes. Hailey doesn't have any idea about what I'm doing here in the middle of the sea. She just thought I'm swimming non-stop or whatsoever. I call this my hobby. Well, people would really give me weird looks when they find out that I'm holding my breath under the sea and record how much time did I hold my breath and when I reach my aimed time, I'll be satisfied then on the next day, I'll do the same thing again but aim for higher time. Weird isn't it?

I started holding my breath, pressed the start button in the timer and went under the water. I didn't closed my eyes so that I can see the time in the digital timer.

Finally, 14 minutes had passed. And little by little, I can sense my success for aiming a higher time.


almost there...

It was a millisecond to count when I felt something grabbed my boobs and stomach. Instanly I released my breath letting the bubbles come out.

A guy was touching me! I kicked him, whoever he may be and I hurriedly resurfaced. I was having a hard time catching my breathe.

When I resurfaced his back was facing me...He was coughing hysterically and I dont know what came over me. I started hitting his back. "You maniac jerk! You could have killed me!!!" I practically yelled at him.

He was still coughing then he faced me. "Excuse me? First Im sorry that I might have grab your umm...-" but thats when I noticed his face was reddening and he was looking at my chest. Instantly my face flushed and I let out a piercing scream. He was holding my suit! My freaking suit!!!. "Look Im sorry-" but I cut him off by getting my suit dangling on his shoulders. We were so close that my face flushed, his ears turning red. He quickly turned around "Im really really sorry, but you should thank me! I just saved you! You were practically drowning" I quickly put my suit back.

God! This is embarrassing. I started to walk away and glance at my back when I was kinda far away from him.

Heck, it was him. It was Alexander. It was the boy who I fell in love.


When I reached home, I literally just swam in the couch and let my deep slumber take me.

I woke up feeling real exhausted. I dont know why but maybe its because I saw him. I missed my Alex. But right now is not the time to miss him. I should not miss him.

I sat upright and rubbed my sleepy eyes then went to the kitchen. My muscles were a little sore and my tummy is grumbling. I grabbed whatever food is in the cupboard and tada! I lack of groceries.

Better go call Hailey to buy some, wait Haileys in a party. Urgh! I groaned frustrated. I didnt bother changing and just slipped with some blouse and shorts. I grabbed my purse and headed out.A walk would be nice.

Being in a grocery store is harder than I thought. If I would put something in the cart it makes me get another one. Adding everything what I see is pure bliss yet I need to budget my money. My parents are sending money next week, I dont want them to spoil me as much as possible. They provided many things as such or maybe they'll give exception this week since its food.

I speed dialed my dad. It was still ringing and went directly through voicemail. I ended the call and just sighed. Maybe next time. I started picking up the most needed ones like vegetables,pancakes,juices and more.

Goodbye sweets.
I know sweet gummy bears, I'll come back next week.

"Hey miss!"
Miss? I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around frantically, someone was calling me. I gasped when I saw Alex holding a grocery basket,his basket was full and trying to come for me.

I hurriedly went to the counter, I bit my lip trying to make it faster. "Hey! Wait up" I continued walking until I reached the cashier. "Miss please hurry up! A stranger has been following me" I excused. Right now I don't want to see him. Not now. The lady looks at me understandingly and quickly scanned everything. "Would you like me to call the guards for you?" I shook my head and paid everything and ran out of the store. I went to the parking lot which is the stupidest idea. I had walked coming here. Shaking my head I just hoped he wouldn't follow me.

----- Ive got my friend helped me with this one...I hope we make a good team.. :)

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