Fred 1 Part 1

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Y/N had just arrived at the burrow ready to say her final goodbyes to the weasleys. She had been close to most of them except for Fred. Over the years Fred had done everything he could to be mean to Y/N.

When they were 8 he pushed her down the stairs at the burrow causing her to have a broken leg. Not long before the twins and her had started hogwarts together Fred cut a huge chuck of her hair out. Over their time at hogwarts he pulled many crule pranks on her. Although she hated everything thing he had done to her she never stood up to him because she couldnt be bothered to argue with him.

George on the other hand was like the over protective brother, he tried to stop Fred as much as he could when he thought a prank was going to far. He was so close to Y/N and they were literally best friends.

Many assumed Fred was this way with Y/N because he was jealous of the way her and George had bonded but that wasn't the real reason.

"Come here you soft git" Y/N laughs as she pulls George into a hug. "Do you have to go?" George asks her not wanting to let go of her. "You know I'll be back at some point" she says. As she pulls out the hug she sees tears running down his cheeks.

After she said goodbye to the rest of them except Fred who stayed out the way until Mrs weasley forced him to go with George and ginny to drop Y/N off at the train station.

Ginny made Fred go with George as he walked Y/N to the plat form whilst she watched the car. Whilst they waited for the train to pull in Fred decides to make a sarcastic comment. "well I'm glad your going". Y/N turns to look at him whilst shaking her head. "You know what Fred, I'm only going to say this because I'm going away for a while and I've held in for years. Your a selfish twat who never gave a thought about My feelings all these years. You've done all sorts to me over the years not caring for the consequences of how I felt after. But I never ever said anything about it to anyone because I didn't want to be an 'attention seeker' so do you know what I did most nights? I cried my self to sleep wondering what I did for you to fucking hate me so much."

The look on George's face after was devastating. He was so up set seeing his best friend say all this because he never had a clue about any of it.

Just as Y/N was finished talking she Turned round walking towards her train that had just pulled in but before she could continue walking a hand placed a firm grip on her arm turning her around. Before she knew what was even happening Fred had pulled her towards him placing a kiss on her lips. When he let go he walked straight back to the car where ginny was waiting not bothering to look back at her or his brother who was stood there in the same state of shock as Y/N was.

She quickly snapped out of it remembering her train had just arrived. "Ill see you soon" she's say to George before grabbing her trunk and boarding the train
Waving at him as she did. But as she sat on the train to begin her new adventure Fred kissing her sat in the back of her mind.

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